Adam Sanborn

Reviewer: "Then Arya gets a terrific extended sequence spying on Littlefinger. First she watches him receive some information from a girl"

Great read. Great analysis. (Said without a hint of irony.)

Twist on the prophecy: Jaime ends up choking her because she forgets the safe word.

It's because you saw Arya Stark kill him.

Y'know, it's okay to acknowledge that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was great.

"Perhaps the point is that Pennsatucky accepts his form of affection because of his bad prison is—emphasized by her bullying—but I really need Boo or someone else to help her realize she shouldn’t be cozying up under a blanket were her abuser."

I just finished this episode, and I can't believe it got a B-. I'd give it an F. Those were easily the worst flashback scenes this show has ever done - both in concept and in execution. Whoever wrote this episode should not write another.

I largely agree with you, and thought that P5's biggest drawback was actually it's length, which is kind of hard to believe. The thing took me 150 hours, whereas the superior Persona 4 took 100 (I like to take my time, judging by the other commenters here).

Ah, gotcha. Truthfully, I'd be happier if it *wasn't* Missy and they threw us a curveball from the classic era.

I've kind of been assuming it's Missy, since it's been whispered that she's definitely returning in some capacity. And it seems to fit with all the clues so far, but I haven't looked for enough other theories to analyze/question my own.

This is an excellent, insightful review/analysis. Nice work!

I think I agree with you here, and it's noteworthy that Negan didn't attempt to turn in either the thief or Negan's wives to bolster his own position or prove his loyalty. He is acting out of self-interest, but he isn't loyal to Negan.

The robot sketch was, for me, the funniest thing all night. But… I don't want to get involved in a discussion about why.

"Didn't pick up until the merge"? Didn't we have like four pre-merge blindsides? This was the season of (totally unnecessary) big early moves.

The dart throwing seems like it might be foreshadowing of Carl missing a gunshot later on, since he's going to try to kill some Saviors. (Or am I giving the writers too much credit?)

Thanks a lot for the major spoiler in your title, displayed helpfully on the front page before I could see the episode.

I will never, ever tire of watching Norm tell Conan the moth joke.

It's true: That question about texting was the single worst thing I've ever seen on Survivor. And I'm including Colton bullying people and quitting the game on two separate seasons.

I'll echo the sentiments of a few others and say that when the original stars of All That left and Nick did a poor job of replacing them, I started to feel like I was getting too old for this foolishness. I completely checked out when they stopped making the quality live-action shows I loved as a kid in favor of

The way they stopped airing new episodes halfway through the Ginyu saga, in a pre-internet era when I would get up before 7 A.M. on a Saturday just to watch, was unadulterated evil.