71MGBGT Likes Subarus of Unusual Colors

Most facts about this bike suggests most of them will live their life sitting next a Valkyrie, One-77 or both and never turn a wheel in anger.

I’m not a Jeep or a truck guy, but here’s what I would keep and what I’d lose:

The Cayenne saved Porsche, and the DBX could save Aston Martin. For all the hate “purists” pour on SUVs, they are the cash cows that enable low-volume specialist sports cars that are, at best, third cars for most buyers.

Yes Elon, throw away millions of dollars you invested in a factory in order to spite California for *checks notes* taking a deadly global pandemic seriously.  That’ll really own the libs and keep the investors happy!

From Jalopnik? Really?

I mostly agree for street racers and extreme speeders, but speeding a little on wide open roads doesnt hurt anybody. Leave the minor speeding alone, there is a lot more pressing concerns right now.

Oh, that’s E A S Y!!! It’s uuuhhh.... erm....

Nuff said...

370Z 50th Anniversary Edition.

Yet again the clear answer is WRX. Even a 2018 should fall under the 25k line.

What kind of “experts” don’t suggest a Honda Accord Sport 2.0T which is a similar motor to the Type R.   Comes in a Manual Transmission and is a great family sedan and what I’d expect would be Honda reliability. 

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

The Gang Dilutes a Brand Name


I’m not sure how I feel about this little aesthetic tribute to gated shifters in the center console. On the one hand, great tribute. On the other hand, it reminds us that we’ll never see a Ferrari with a manual gated shifter again.

When you compare a $60k Corvette to a $200k+ Ferrari, the Corvette already wins.

62 mph is 100 kph. 0-62 mph has been the metric standard as long as I can remember.

I don’t think you fire Fancy Kristen so much as she gives you permission to stop publishing her pronouncements.

Just for further speculation - with Logo’s a tall Mach-e auto?