
I had a Tikka Masala pizza at the Pizza Hut in Kathmandu and it might be the best fast food item I’ve ever had. The food at that Pizza Hut was leagues better than anything I’ve had from the Hut here in the States.

How is it selling out? I’m confused... it was live in North America and not in China when the Covid situation was reversed, I’m sure they’d like to be live everywhere, no?

My husband all but stopped eating red meat a few years ago (he’ll very occasionally have a “real” burger out, and his mom made Italian beef for dinner on Christmas Eve), and we initially switched to turkey burgers, which I made taste pretty good. But once Impossible became available in stores, we switched to that, and

I have a Modest Proposal here... Which if you know your literary history should flag this up as taking a deliberately outrageous position in order to illustrate the morally outrageous opposite position that is actually accepted as the norm.

I’ve trimmed back a fair amount of cow and pig from my diet and, to be honest, once you’ve not had oink or moo for a while you don’t actually miss it. Don’t do the expected “this tastes and feels just like steak!” crap because, well, nothing ever will taste just like oink or moo.  Same with the feathered

I’m sorry, but you can’t eat at Chipotle anymore. It’s not allowed. I’ve told you and now you, specifically, are not allowed.

Lots of vegan teasing in the comments, as per usual. I appreciate this breakdown of fish substitutes, thank you. I have a digestive disorder that makes it very difficult for me to digest animal fats, and the only animal product I can eat without horrible stomach cramps is eggs. I also can’t digest most soy products or

The oceans are way overfished, and fish is becoming full of microplastics and other nasties. Not that healthy.

Clicking an commenting on the story is an odd way to communicate that. You’re clearly engaged with the content, why would they stop making it?

The problem with eating more fish is that it’s more likely to collapse your local fishery than support it.

H Mart is the best for this. Pick yourself up some Dark Soy Sauce to add a little umami bomb to any of these!

I mean I guess I don’t know enough about the industry to know what someone in his position does, but if someone’s politics boil down to, “I don’t like acknowledging that minorities exist and have the same value as straight white men” I don’t really want to consume anything they have a creative input on, because that

I’m surprised by people’s reactions, I actually got everything I wanted from this presentation + the big Jeff interview (saw it in IGN, not sure if comes from there). There is a huge amount of new content in the sequel. Most of the apparent stuff is in PvE and story, which is cool and all, but the big thing is they

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

I’m glad you updated. Chun Li is from Tekken 3 for those wondering.

It’s another example of the gotdayum Hannibal Burress effect.

It’s a matter of personal preference for me, burrata doesn’t really cook well, ricotta I like cold but just for the contrast (it’s good beforehand too, just different when cooked!), and prosciutto, I don’t particularly like cooked since it’s pretty delicate.

“Exotic Illinois River Fish”

I’m sad she is only on my radar now... after her death. I relate to this so much. I was once asked to write a whole plan for what I could do to get a promotion only to have my male coworker come in and tell me he’d gotten the same promotion and was totally shocked because he hadn’t even asked. The boss who made that

I had to triple check that MJ was 23. I swear when I saw a still picture of her and Jessinia over on Jezebel I was like “Is there for some reason a fight between a contestant and her stepmother on here? Is it home town dates already?” That is some seriously hard ass 23. Shit that would be a 32.