
I’m honestly surprised that moment of surprise recognition wasn’t highlighted in this listicle-

Here in Toronto I can think of several bars that offer pad thai (though far fewer that have Middle Eastern fare)

There are four: Shanghai, Guangzhou, Huangzhou, and Chengdu.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that there’s no actual breakdown of the actual event itself...

It’s pretty remarkable how emotional seeing Guardian made me. I have sunk hours upon hours of time playing 4-player splitscreen on that map and it really brings me all the way back. Simpler time cliche and all that, but wow, watching the video felt like walking through the hallways of my high school.

I was one of those weird kids who grew up eating ketchup on everything (like in between two slices of bread). In retrospect I can maybe chalk it up to the Filipino palate’s predilection for acid and sugar in every meal.

Ketchup on white rice used to be a go-to, but I don’t eat it anymore unless the rice happens to be

Myles already wrote his own review of the episode, but you’ll have to subscribe to the Substack to read it-

I know several and am one, personally. I’m all too aware that meat alternatives do not taste as good as real meat, but whenever given the option I will opt for something vegetarian or vegan since it means I don’t need to contribute to the factory farming industry.

I genuinely wish you could experience the exhaustion that so many Asian people feel upon hearing that some white chef has “improved” or “revolutionized” dishes that we or our parents were outright bullied for bringing to school.

I hope more people get to read and appreciate just how funny this is, and I mean that completely without sarcasm

I think many people are quick to forget the unique trauma of being bullied because your school lunch “smelled weird” or “looks like worms” only to grow into adulthood and Western culture jarringly begin embracing Asian cuisine ranging from Japanese to Korean to Thai to even Filipino-

Looks like the Museum TTC station in Toronto.

As someone who grew up in the Philippines it’s so funny that a spot that began primarily as a McDonald’s competitor (mainly a burger joint) has transformed into becoming more of a KFC rival. In fact, it was during my childhood that they had just begun introducing fried chicken as one of their menu items.

I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned *Overwatch 2* (whenever it comes out), as the story mode will feature teams of four pitted up against AI-controlled swarms of robots and future terrorists-

This was a few years ago so the conversion might not stack up exactly, but yeah, food is dirt cheap over there-

This is such a specific deep cut that 99.9% of people won’t be able to relate to, but way back in 2016 KFC in Thailand sold two different flatbread wraps, one with shrimp and lettuce and the other with chicken bites and broccoli, and both were absolutely delicious (as seen below on the right).

Very on-brand, Josh.

For a good few months I started every single morning with peanut butter and sriracha on toast and I swear by it. 

Paldo Bibim Men used to be one of my all-time favourites before I realized that I had all of the ingredients to just make it at home. Those cold spicy noodles absolutely hit the spot!