
I long for the day when this feature will be able to once again cover stories like Chad on Jojo’s season absolutely stuffing his craw with every scrap of food in arm’s reach, and Luke P on Hannah Brown’s making an honest-to-God Hannibal Lecter skin face mask out of deli meat.

Up here we call ‘em toques. But also, no, I don’t wear hats at all-

I guess I can stop reading Takeout comments today, because I can’t see any other topping this one-

Indomie is the absolute GOAT of instant noodle brands. Everyone I’ve ever recommended it to has unabashedly loved it and its perfect blend of salty, sweet, and spicy. It’s also dirt-cheap.

It’s wild, because when I think back to the time when I REALLY plowed through the Pizzle archives, I was worried about you being unemployed while I was deeply stuck in a poorly-paid job I really, truly hated.

Fast-forward to now and I work in publishing and love it, and you’ve gotten a pretty big break in writing.

I’ve been following Dennis since The Pizzle and couldn’t be more thrilled that he’s found a home here at The Takeout. He’s a phenomenal writer and one of the funniest voices in food bar none-

Oh, I’m in Toronto, haha-

Oh shoot it is Homestuck, isn’t it. I read that comic for a couple years then had to drop off.

There’s a very specific subsection of people (myself included) who recognize Tab as being heavily featured in Andrew Hussie’s webcomic Problem Sleuth. I genuinely know nothing about the product outside of that piece of pop culture-

First Nations cuisine is so fascinating to me because it feels inextricable from the oppression, marginalization, and cultural genocide that’s been enacted upon them. Take fry bread, for instance, and how (while DELICIOUS) it’s a food born out of the necessity to make due with government handouts.

In Greg Rucka’s novelization of his comic event No Man’s Land the introduction states that Gotham has always been NYC.

I’ve been Canadian my entire life and I’ll be honest, I genuinely have no idea what a “ghost car” is supposed to be-

I mean, this is assuming that we’d be opening up our borders, all things considering...

What exactly led you to believe that the author of this article is American?

I’ve eaten at Swiss Chalets on and off for most of my life (barring years-long stints in South East Asia) and can confirm that the sauce is bad in a very weird way. It’s very fragrant in a way a savoury sauce should never be.

Given how bare bones production looks to be on this season, I’m not surprised there weren’t the usual charcuterie spreads, etc. I’m hoping this feature, one of my all-time favourites on The Takeout, has something to work with in the upcoming weeks!

Absolutely loved the likening of this dish to an “Italian hot chicken adobo.” I’ve read so much food writing that talks about how jian bing is just savoury Chinese crepes, for example, that seeing the vice versa is a particularly refreshing surprise.

It’s been so long since I saw a headline about them that I’d almost completely forgotten about Wendy’s “mean teen” Twitter persona. While I admit to having chuckled along with them at one point in time, I also can’t say it’s aged well-

It sounds gross, but I’m fully open to trying a pizza with mandarin oranges on it-

I’m from Canada, so trust me when I say that I knew this and am actually quite proud of it. It’s just the easiest (and most obvious) way to say “pineapple and ham pizza.”