
Park City
So, I visited Park City last year, not during the fest, and it was hard enough just to fit in ordinary weekend visitors. How do the logistics of the fest work? The town is tiny. Are the hotels putting eight visitors in each guest room or something?

Partisan - ouch, nice one.

Boone's farm is cheap, sickly sweet, flavored wine.

Ezra Pound
Isn't it more accurate to say that Ezra Pound supported Mussolini?

Alicia Keys
Has anyone else noticed how similar the drum sound in Alicia Keys' "No One" is to the drum sound in Nine Inch Nails' "Closer?"

When I was in college I worked at the campus burger/shake joint, and I had a manager who would always blast "Bat Out Of Hell" while we were cleaning up. It was excruciating, but you could time how quickly you were going by where you were at certain points in the album. It was the end of the quarter before I realized

I draw the line at Air Supply. Loggins, the Dan, McDonald —- those guys I can enjoy unironically (and the Dan, incidentally, are ntohing short of awesome). But Air Supply? I can only enjoy them ironically. Sorry.

What if the music just grates on your ears? The voices, the melodies, ouch.

Tila Tequila
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila also seems to give you about 2 minutes of what's coming up as the bumper before a commercial. It's disorienting and gives the rest of the show a deja vu feel.

I thought 1408 was actually pretty great during the first 40 minutes or so —- as long as the situation was being set up. But once we started getting answers to what was going on, and Cusack's issues, etc. it fell into the tank like a rock.

Amanda and sis
No comments on Amanda and her sister's bird call communication? It was one thing to try it, another to actually stick with it throughout the challenge.

I'm Adam N. Villani, but it also works as "a damn Villani."

I actually like the bit where the girl says something along the lines of "My parents are like… ouugh!" Where "ouugh!" is this weird vocal thing that probably took like 20 takes to get right.

I used to work in an office where we got the Pasadena Star-News, and their comics page was the absolute dregs. There was one called "Triple Threat Comics" or something like that, that carried a little advertising slogan: "The comic with three punchlines!" Somebody would say the setup to a joke, and somebody

Actually, Blondie is more consistently funny than 80% of the stuff on the comics page. And definitely the funniest of the "legacy strips."

Sublime were like the biggest band in the local scene when I was in high school. So then a couple years later they hit it big and I was all kinda torn between "Hey, those guys played at high school parties back at home" and "Hey, they sucked ass in high school and they suck ass now, too."

I was a little young to get in on the Evel action — the Knievel toys were the sorts of things my friends' older brothers had — but I do remember being puzzled by his name, wondering if he was really evil.

I saw this live once
In 1999 my sister invited me along to her company's Christmas party, which involved taking a bus to the Universal Amphitheatre and watching the L.A. touring contingent of the Rockettes perform this same show. And by the same show, I mean that, except for the fact that it wasn't on TV, Noel's

The Salton Sea
I haven't seen the DVD, but I can vouch for the weirdness of the area. One time I went to the shore and the beach was practically carpeted with fish skeletons. Freaky. There's also the bizarre painted "Salvation Mountain" in Slab City. Plus, you're more than a hundred feet below sea level.

Comedy gold
The meeting of the minds between Jared, Anjay, and Alex, where Anjay transposes two digits in pi, Alex "likes talking about pi," and Jared wears his pimp hat. Man, I wish that the whole pimp hat - smart kid connection was more common in American schools.