
I read somewhere that the year that the Beatles actually sold the most albums was 1996, when there was the big upswing in interest due to the "Anthology" series. They moved more full-length product in that year than any year in which they were actually together as a band.

Yeah. If only those guys were in a band together, Waters could write lyrics and work on concepts and sing some occasional bits, while Gilmour could sing, play guitar, and maybe they could actually write the music together so that Gilmour could tell Waters when his ideas needed to be turned into actual songs and Waters

"There are moments on The Final Cut which are some of the most personal, harrowing stuff Waters has ever done."

The Wall would have really been better as a single album of about ~50 minutes consisting only of the actually good songs just vaguely organized around the concepts of alienation and such instead of making the Wall metaphor so damn literal. So no "Goodbye Cruel World," no "Don't Leave Me Now," no "Vera," no "Bring the

In Gilmour's defense, have you heard any of the music on Roger Waters's solo albums?

Cheyne? Cheyne was rad! What did Cheyne ever do to you?

Yeah. We kept it on CBS and they showed TAR an hour late, then Undercover Boss. CSI Miami will show "at a later date."

I'm with you on the Kent-hate, but to say that he's the worst human being ever to run the race betrays a deep ignorance of the deep levels of wretchedness of some of the racers from the past. All-time worst has to be Jonathan of Jonathan & Victoria infamy, but even within Kent's own category of whininess and allergic

I saw both Fight Club and Office Space in theaters. I ran into Weird Al once and told him that I saw UHF in a theater, and he said, "So YOU'RE the one!"

Did anybody else think that slavery under Watto on Tatooine was like the most mild form of slavery ever? "Oh no, I'm a slave! Well, OK, I still get to build robots and race pod-racers, but seriously, I have a grumpy boss!"

"Alderaan was 'recently voted safest planet in the galaxy,' wink wink."

Wait, what happened with Kate Gosselin's snatch? I mean, besides a bunch of babies coming out of it?

The original question
I like the way the questioner positions Dawson's Creek as something from childhood. I know I'm younger than at least a few of the AVClub staffers, and I had graduated from college before that show ever hit the air. I was a few months shy of 30 when it was canceled.

Yeah, I can't imagine what possible relevance a monster set off by nuclear testing that destroys cities could have had to the Japanese, especially in the 1950s. I mean, it's just a giant monster stomping around. Am I right?

I'm with the Men with Moustaches. Meddle is their best, Obscured by Clouds is vastly underrated, and the Wall has some great stuff but is too bloated to earn its reputation. I've long contended that The Wall would have been much better if Waters hadn't been so damn literal about his "concept" and had kept it down to

Actually, "Have a Cigar" didn't chart. They didn't have a charting single between "Money" and "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2"

Chicken Run
This is probably perverse, but I came out of Chicken Run with a serious craving for chicken pot pie.

Melodyland for the WIN.

Carolla's morning show on KLSX was awesome once he was able to ditch Danny Bonaduce. It's a damn shame the station changed formats.

You probably approached from the south, then, from I-10. J-Tree National Park includes land in both the Mojave (high) and Colorado (low) deserts, but the namesake trees are only found in the Mojave, where they're practically a marker species.