grrrr. im a female web developer and there is a manager at work that refers to the 3 females on the all-male team as “the girls” and it INFURIATES me. >_<
grrrr. im a female web developer and there is a manager at work that refers to the 3 females on the all-male team as “the girls” and it INFURIATES me. >_<
Whoopi was YEARS ahead of this game:
Whoopi was YEARS ahead of this game:
That graphic is so bad, even I can see it!
It’s nice to actually hear a Republican-any Republican- admit that the man in charge isn’t fit for the job (I realize she didn’t mean to say this publicly, but still).
You ... you’re good. A universe of stars for you.
I loved that movie, especially with all the classic older actors. So creepy.
There are some good flicks on this list, many of which I will probably delve back into this weekend. I might even throw in a little Rare Exports. (Honestly, what is more chilling than a bunch of naked old guys in the snow?). The Thing (Prequel, ugh) drives me nuts on so many levels, but most especially because MEW is…
From the end of Slither.
Oh, wait - forgot two epic Jim Steinman songs from Streets of Fire:
The legend of the EXPLODING WHALE from 1970. (Admittedly, the whole affair is a blooper for everyone involved, but everyone present had to run for it.)
Impressive video, but if I may:
You can say what you want about the problems with the rise of social media and discourse, but it has brought forth a gem like this from Lady Aberlin:
Pluralism is a mosaic culture, like Canada. The United States does not have a pluralistic culture at all.
I was thinking like General George S. Patton, but I like yours better.
Confused, but not constipated.
He’s awesome. The rant is awesome, but it’s missing the part where he threatens to eat up all your crackers and your licorice
Still riding the backlash wave on this one. Wake me when the do Live Action Rescuers Down Under