Power Girl

I think it's a post-game reflection that assumes the readers following it knew what it's about. The series has been running since last May.

That said, it also kills character loyalty. Cho becoming the Hulk gave me an excuse to walk away from decades of Hulk reading.

I think Earth-2's PG is now going by Supergirl. Not sure. Very sad.

Not quite. Earth-2 is in the same continuity, but it's not under the Rebirth imprint. It's being cancelled and the presumed relaunch probably will be Rebirth.

The planned out "creator run" is a relatively new phenomenon in comics today. Back then, writers and artists were in a book until they were fired or quit with no long term regard for the story. (Peter David was a noted fill-in writer back then, and his Hulk run spun out of Byrne walking off the book.)

Thanks, man. One problem with Byrne and many other 1980s writers is that you don't have a don't have a solid run with a beginning and an end point. A lot of creators back then just sort of walked in one day, made some waves, and then walked off. Byrne in particular left FF in the middle of a 3-part story with many

I think the unstated answer is that Ulysses evolved into the equivalent of Uatu and was seeing multiple parallel timelines rather than just THE future. But of course, that wasn't explained.

Well, yes, but I think the author's point is that the story was very half-baked. What started as an interesting metaphor for police profiling and preemptive action turned into "nobody knows how and if Ulysses works." Ulysses sort of became the equivalent of a guy who made one or two really good stock predictions and

With Waid, I criticized his "The Silver Age" story, being annoyed that DC was overtly dipping back into the 1960s. Waid wrote to me directly to complain about my review. Whoops.

I would read this.

Note: I would be surprised if Disney cares what Marvel is doing to Jen. I imagine this is all Marvel wanting to put a "name" writer on the book, and if she wants to run a Jen-with-PTSD angle, they probably don't care as long as it brings money and buzz.

DC seems to be doing ok with its "Super Hero Girls" tween line. My kid adores it. It seems to be the right mix of "Power" and "Girl."

I've been finding a lot of Secret Wars trades on massive clearance. A number of them are good fun and really tap into what worked well in Marvel past.

Also, they're needed to explain how Cap has been Hydra for 80 years. I realize that it's an artificial history, but…yikes.

Part of me wonders if someone is going to sit this over at Byrne's forum, and he'll react: "Oh, THAT guy." I was a hyper fanboy myself and probably didn't come off too well plenty if times.

I will say that Marvel's remastered Star Wars comics look very goofy, particularly on the old Chaykin art.

The number of people who get this joke is going to sadly dwindle every year.

Me, I just want that long-awaited Professor X/Moondragon romance. Sure, he's dead and she's gay AND dead, but we'll make it work.

Ugh. THAT guy, amirite?