Power Girl

It's weird when a get a reply to a comment I made a year ago. I had to jog my brain here.

I don't think Rook Kast is "random," nor is that some unimportant comic. The issues Kast appeared in were made from unused Clone Wars scripts that would have been made into episodes but for the show being cut short.

Maybe, maybe not. I assume that next episode is the one where we go to Mandalore and meet Sabine's mom. This was episode 15, and these seasons have only been going 22 episodes or so. From the trailer, we still need to leave room for Obi-Wan vs. Maul (I assume this will be a 2-part season closer), the Mon Mothma

Clan Wren, House Viszla, yes.

A fantastic episode where I have one nitpick: Bendu showed up and did absolutely nothing. Nothing. There's Bendu, he looks sad, OK, let's move on. Somebody want to tell me what the hell that was? I wondered if he was going to offer some words of wisdom to Sabine, but no, he was literal scenery.

This comment is correct. IMO, the problem is less that it's edgy and more that it's inherently a pessimistic view of superheroes: that they're combative, destructive, and will eventually wipe themselves out. Kingdom Come was, rightfully or wrongfully, accused of being a Twilight copy (though both works superficially

I knew a gal from California who inexplicably pronounced "pizza" as "pikza."

I grew up in the Philly burbs and spent plenty of time in the city. I NEVER heard the word "jawn" in 25 years. I acknowledge the word but I'm convinced it's very restricted.

Counterpoint, yup.

Probably because he played the part well.

Saw it. This movie had about as much Liam Neeson as Star Wars Episode I had of Sam Jackson.

I…don't know.

My wife has never had the "oot." She pronounces some words funny and she did have a minor "eh" which she quickly lost on moving to the states, but that's it. No oot.

Oh, for fuckity's sake.

Because Tom Hanks and Tim Allen did it well, and suddenly doing animated voicework became a "checkbox" for Hollywood actors. Notable actors have done cartoons before (Mel Gibson in Pocahontas), but Toy Story seemed to be the tipping point where it's just plain necessary for a big actor to do a cartoon.

Also, "Chanteuse of the Stars."

Look up "Queen Jool."

Is this worse than Elsanna?

Jabba the Hutt is a hermaphrodite with a child. Presumably, Jabba was both Rotta's father AND mother.