
I'm a guy, I work around other guys. Can confirm: Men are stupid.

I must ask, how old are you? How many jobs have you had? You don't seem to have a very good practical understanding of the relationship between workers and employees, nor the issues of economic necessity that would override a 'free market' approach to employment opportunities. I generally don't use appeal to age, as

They're saying it's illegal to pay less than 15 an hour because a worker's time is valued more highly. At any rate, this wage change is supposed to only affect companies with a certain profit margin at first - companies that are already guilty of hoarding cash.

Frosty, I suggest you learn about the history of labor in the USA, particularly around the time of the second industrial revolution and moving forward into the emergence of unions.

The reason we know that corporations would do this kind of thing is that they were perfectly willing to do it when it was legal.

While some of those things are definitely true, we're not talking about the taxpayer-funded militant gangs roaming the streets... We're talking about McDonalds and the fact that they would pay slave wages if there wasn't someone saying they couldn't.

Because they are benefiting from structures set up by the state which allow them to do business in the first place. The state is (supposed to be) charged with protecting the rights of citizens, and this means that they are allowed to prevent parties which intend to simply take advantage of the population.

Where's the "I used to play it all the time, but then all the 12 year olds who thought it was Call Of Duty got on there and ruined it for everyone else and I haven't been back in almost a year" option?

I'm sure we're at the point now where we can run this on our phones...right?

CSI basically invented a freak-show version of it. The furry community is a bit weird, but they're not at all like that.

Y'all know Windows runs perfectly fine on a Mac, right?

It doesn't look too much different from the last GT's (which were just fine a decade and several decades ago respectively) does it?

Is it just me, or aren't there certain names that are just..."bad"? For instance, I've never met a Jeffery, whether 8 or 38, that wasn't a little douchebag troublemaker.

I hope she sues the shit out of them and wins. I was once on a Continental flight where free drinks weren't being served. I asked for some water to take a dramamine, and the attendant asked for cash for the water (yes really). I said I only had a credit card, he said that wasn't acceptable. I asked him "well, what am

Is there any other reason to log into this game? Has it somehow gotten cool again? I haven't played GTAV online in months, and I can't say I miss it terribly either.

The music on that video is horrid.

Yes, but in how many of them did Harry take a crap?

It doesn't include too many bathroom scenes, does that mean Harry and Ron never pooped once during that 7 years?

Unfortunately, they first get a chance to spread their viruses around to everyone first. Remember, vaccination severely lowers the likelihood of infection, but high concentrations of a virus will inevitably still make even some vaccinated people sick (though less sick than otherwise).

There's certain things I'm not free to do because it endangers humanity. For instance, it would be a serious crime if I were to willingly go to a school and spray viruses all over the children. I don't see how this example differs much from a parent who willingly withholds protection from their own kids, then allows

One thing I really dislike about this country is that the "civil rights" of people who want to be stupid in a way that negatively affects others are more important than the rights of those who would be adversely affected.