
The only way to fix the noise problem is to completely rewrite quantum physics.

This was probably posted before it was established that 99% of it is incorrect. Now that it has been established, however, it should probably be taken down.

Unfunny and factually incorrect - Gay men as a demographic seem to exhibit a higher earning potential on average than straights, and their long term partnerships regularly climb income brackets more quickly than straight partnerships (also helps not having a bunch of little, children running around).

Why resist? Let's hear 'em. Maybe we'll get pictures of Lemmiwinks.

poor ol' WebOS, getting relegated to the "other" slice.

@Echo64 - I had a Kyocera 6035 back in 2002. It had games, internet, a touch screen, and handwriting recognition. After that I had a Treo 600 (later a 650). Those also had touch screens...AND a keyboard. Meanwhile, there were other Palm, Windows, and Symbian phones being made with touchscreens.

Would have expected a slightly larger sensor for an interchangeable system... How did they solve the noise problem?

Didn't it end up just being an ipod dock or something?

as opposed to the roads having you?

I actually know one person who didn't know who/what "Super Mario" was, and they thought I was talking about my mechanic, Mario. Apparently it wasn't as popular in her part of russia when growing up.

It is said to not be as bad as other places, mostly because we get things like cellphones, TV and McDonalds. However, if you look at the wider picture, our wealth disparity is as large as many of the despotic countries in history, and this is because our economy is manipulated from the top by politicians who are owned

the Fusion actually has 6- 5 for shaving, and one on the back edge for trimming. Still amazing how they can outdo even the most ridiculous parody.

There is no such thing as "legal channels" anymore. If you, or anyone you know has ever been wrapped up in anything judicial, you'd know that the entire system is extremely skewed to assist the status quo, and get prosecutors/judges re-elected. By the way, have you seen the way the Supreme Court has been ruling

This used to be the case - However, looking at our distribution of wealth, the social interactions of politicians as well as their mysteriously high-performing stock accounts, and the almost obsessive drive to eliminate any real citizen's rights both legally and philosophically, it's clear that our government has

I just read an article about people in Iraq who do virtually the same thing. Apparently there's a lot of money in a jewelry store's waste.

They claimed it took them 11.5 hrs to render each frame, not each scene.

I've owned a blackberry, and I've owned several Treo's... The Treo was buggy, yes... but the blackberry always fought me tooth and nail to keep from doing what I wanted it to do, and often locked up and restarted when I tried to make a phone call. This includes an attempt to call 911 at a rather gruesome accident

Now let's see Dick Cheney try this out.

I remember a version of this game being very popular on the TI-83 when I was in high school.