
I've seen the Cleveland Show on broadcast and I assure you - it was still unwatchable, and the compression had nothing to do with it... Being a fan of Family Guy and American Dad, I guess I had higher expectations.

Installed it a few weeks ago on Parallels 7, Macbook Pro i7 early 2011. It's kinda buggy - I don't know if the current build out there is a later edition than mine - but it's workable. The multi-touch seems to work okay with the macbook's touchpad, but it is not consistent.

Ansel Adams was actually well-known for his aversion to low depth-of-field. In fact, he was one of the founders of an elite photography club known as Group f/64 - named after the optimum small aperture value on large-format cameras which ensures a sharp focus near and far.

In many areas it is the same level of sex offense if a person urinates in public.

@stupidsimple - that's what Darth Vader said...

Dammit Giz, stop FAILING. "Comment Read failed" (obviously not, I can read it!) ...

That is not what I experienced.

Definitely don't do too much - and if you don't think you feel anything, wait a little longer. Do not, for instance, take mushrooms, then decide they're not kicking in, and eventually take some lsd, and then decide that is not really doing very much after an hour, and take another hit of lsd. This very specific series

It's also because there's only so many "HTC/Moto/Samsung built another high-resolution, faceless rectangle that runs android!" or "Apple did something clever/absurd/legally questionable!" articles that can be written... and tech is in a slow period where release is concerned.

What happened to the guy? Did he have to go to the hospital, or simply have to change his pants?

Crap.. It's only a matter of time before he starts suing other companies simply on the basis of "utilization of a concept/process of trade whereby labor of employee is exchanged on an hourly basis for monetary funds provided to employee"

The fact that they're plastic makes them 1000x more capable of engineering a lemonplosion via cleverness and simple chemical reactions.

The big difference is that in Halo, the individual soldiers are armored and shielded. In real life, it's hard enough getting the government to armor the vehicles at all!

It's the future, and I've been informed by very reliable sources that in only four or so years, there will be reactors that strap to the back of vehicles.

Red Camera, standing by!

It depends on whether both of your parents had the bee gene or not.

I thought the only Jobs in the USA anymore were of the Steve variety.

Someone got sent to jail for a ridiculous amount of time not too long ago for possessing pictures of the simpsons committing such acts.

You'd be surprised to discover that a large number of people actually agree with the use of logic in contemplating this case. This is nothing more than ThoughtCrime.