
The reason for the difference between Canon and Nikon is mostly a legacy decision - Nikon and Canon have had stabilized lenses for years, dating back to the film days where it would have been impractical to move the entire film plane, roll, mechanism, etc that typically accompanies film.

It will move opposite of the direction of shake, canceling it out and making the image static where it otherwise wouldn't have been.

I'm actually surprised they're even st..

Sounds perfectly normal if you live in the southeast or parts of Ohio. My friends and I used to run around the neighborhood with these ancient (unloaded) least until the time when the other kid came around the corner and accidentally jammed his index finger in the barrel of my gun, taking his fingernail

It seems like Dolby has a lawsuit that could easily be aimed at the MPEG/MP3 people ("Motion picture experts group"), Apple and whoever their codec people are, and Realplayer-oh wait, scratch the last said "enjoy" in there, didn't it.

Is this in slow motion? I know that the IS module is able to get rid of shakes of a relatively high frequency.

Who will be upset, the religious ones, the atheists, or the farmers?

It doesn't even do the @(person) thing anymore, but yeah I was. I personally support putting most of our budget into research and development. If we put 700 billion into NASA research, we probably could've solved world hunger, global warming, grid sustainability... all those things.

The temporary structures cost a further x billion dollars. Air conditioning them alone costs 20 billion.

Baseball is pretty boring, but compared to golf, it's a regular action-fest.

I would say living in the middle of the damn desert does pretty well to lower the humidity.

Don't they only work in the morning and evening, though?

Ironic that you are sitting at a computer that was hand-delivered to you by the technology advancements of the space race, as well as Nasa/JPL research over the last 40 years. I've been to their labs, and they deserve the biggest fucking thank you ever for bringing us the 21st century.

I live in southern california, and used to work in Pacoima on the north side of the valley, where it regularly reaches 125 in the shade. As a person who at the time had just moved from Ohio (much like many of our troops), the heat was unbearable and nearly made me pass out my first summer up there. I can't imagine

I agree with the whole "corporations stealing" bit. However, evaporative coolers, or "swamp coolers" only work effectively up to about 95-110 degrees depending on the design, meaning that at very least they would have to have normal AC units to back them up. Also, the desert gets cold at night regardless, so it makes

It's like 130 degrees there. In the shade. You try "putting up with that" and not getting heat stroke. The point of the story isn't that soldiers shouldn't get A/C - Regardless what you think of the war, soldiers have a difficult job to do, and it isn't fair to exacerbate that by cooking them, too.

It is possible to attain nuclear fusion in a sustained form using high temperatures, lots of magnets and expensive (or well-scavenged and engineered) equipment, and the right ingredients. The main issue has always been that the reaction always resulted in a net usable energy loss rather than gain, hence why no one is

They won't listen to reason, or anything else for that matter. It's not physically possible.

They have made erasable pens for years now. I use them whenever I think to buy them, but they get lost within a week or so.

Congress: The opposite of Progress.