
where the hell do you find 100mbps up?

It seems like everyone's saying this, and has been for years. I even posted about it before I realized someone else (you) did it first. RIM is making all the same mistakes Palm did, up to and including their idiotic mistakes with the Foleo. However, they have different advantages and disadvantages than Palm. A major

If you have to tether it to another device to use a feature, then effectively it does not have that feature on its own.

It is usually ironic when things like this happen - a celebrity pulls the very material that made them a celebrity for "copyright reasons." Had that video not been posted in the first place, no one would even know who Rebecca Black is.

This is the first thing I saw, too... For a second I wondered if somehow they were trying to allude to the idea that someone made a 1 acre sensor, then I looked closer.

I saw T1 lines offered relatively recently as a data option, and they're still ridiculously expensive. Can anyone tell me exactly -why- people still use them? Is it the latency? Certainly isn't the speed.

The "being annoying" boilerplate ban guideline is extremely subjective, too. For instance, I've nearly choked to death on my pizza from laughing at someone's Yakov Smirnoff "Soviet Russia" joke here (True story, had to pretty much heimlich myself against a chair).

Fairborn's not as bad. If I remember correctly, it at least has good restaurants.

The recent word on the street is that Lulzsec is also an inside job.

Have you seen their websites? They look like 1997!

It's not like the artists really get anything, regardless.

Androids are notorious spelling nazis. I doubt he could have even typed this on an android without considerable work.

until Lodsys sues them for it under their umbrella patent for "device which performs actions using mysterious means"

More movies didn't, but more books definitely did Star Wars a favor. Ever heard of expanded universe?

Is it possible, is there a hack available?

Good luck training this dog - he pretty much does what he wants, and there's nothing I, or his owner, seem to be able to do about it.

The RIAA was originally founded primarily to "enforce" the engineering specification for speaker crossovers and a few nitty gritty audio components, so that music played through a record player could be expected to sound like it was supposed to. Someone needs to remind them that this, not being the Music Gestapo, is

The purists obviously don't have an obnoxious pit bull that goes under their desk, gets tangled in wires, and pulls down pretty much anything that has a cable attached to it. I'm just glad my old-style apple keyboard and almost-exactly-the-same-as-this-one Logitech G5 seem to be built sturdy enough to handle being

To be fair, a cheap cannon is all that's necessary to shoot sitting ducks.

Sadly, Troy, OH never quite made it out of 1973, and like many of its neighboring towns, is so ridiculously old fashioned and backwards that most people get the hell out as soon as they learn to drive a pickup truck.