
The guy isn't perfect, but the media plan to discredit Assange seems pretty dirty. By dramatizing the rape charge and reduce his public standing, you are doing the same to the organization he worked for.

I've always wondered whether he took his daughter's name from the game. Now I know.

I could, but I was hoping to use it with some type of data plan. Perhaps I can tether it to my phone.

That's only if you're stupid enough to live on the side of a steep muddy hill full of dead trees.

I hear Mary Antoinette has started a rival service... []

It's a shame you can't just hang up on these people. 911 is a vital service, and it's actually saved the lives of several people in my family (mostly medical emergencies like heart attacks). I also thank you for your job - a good 911 operator can mean the difference between life and death.

What happened to the dog? Also, I've found the only way to subdue a pitbull is to let it know that you're even crazier than it is. It helps if you're actually crazy.

Why are republicans allowed to force things through, but Democrats have to bow to every special interest schmuck in the galaxy?

I just posted something, and then somehow it disappeared. Weird.

You're right, actually - part of the stimulus money was to rebuild bridges and try to update our infrastructure. However at the end of the day, very little actually got done. It's probably not his fault, anything he says gets blockaded by republicans, if for no other reason than to "stick it to the Democrats." I

That's basically what they're saying, yeah. It seems like a pretty elementary security problem which even a 2nd year computer science major would know to avoid, let alone the so-called experts that put this together.

This looks more like the 70's than Steampunk. I even have a camera from 1974 that has unnecessary wood paneling.

Remember how Obama was campaigning on the issue of old infrastructure (then got into office and promptly failed to do a single thing about it)? This is why. If our systems didn't suck, that power could simply be 'piped' anywhere through high-voltage DC with minimal losses like they do in Germany, instead of losing

It's not blacked out, it's just not carried on any major cable distributors except through special tiers that nobody usually orders. It's a shame, too - Al Jazeera is an incredible journalistic organization, and their news usually covers topics that American and British news will not, and from angles that western

Part of it is because NATO adopted a policy of specifically shooting NEAR him, but deliberately not targeting him directly. There's been more than a few times where they could have just blown him to bits and that would be the end of it.

Wars are expensive. Natural disasters are free - in fact, from a corporate standpoint we actually "save money" opting for natural disasters by destroying the atmosphere with cost-cutting, polluting measures which increase the likelihood of them.

a sort of morbid "up-side" would be that a single katrina-style event would eliminate the overpopulation problem.

Another effect that NASA had in the 50's and 60's (and, to some extent, the 70's) was their ability to inspire young Americans to go into engineering. The 21st century was literally delivered to us by these people - During the height of the space race, it was not uncommon for a large company to hire thousands of

Still the best way to annoy your nagging wife, and give her a sense of perspective.

If it's in a dressing room, that means the lens would have to be wide angle- which is pretty much a guarantee for failure. I'm 140lb and 5'9", and even I look fat in wide-angle lenses close-up. These should only ever be used on animals....wearing hats.... while drinking cough syrup.