
And to think I was considering getting one of these. Thanks for giving me a reason to save my money - I go out of my way not to give AT&T a damned dime.

That looks a lot more difficult to use than the original Virtual Boy controller.

The reason NASA is falling behind is that over the past 30 years (probably longer), it has steadily had its funding cut while a bunch of politicians (some of which proudly "don't believe in science") dictate not only what their mission must be, but what contractor gets to do what.

It sounds like you grew up in a rural, or perhaps open suburban area, much as I did. When I was a kid, I rode around all the time, even going across town on my bike without a helmet. I wrecked sometimes- when I did, however, it was usually off-road... things like going down a grassy hill, hitting a huge unseen rock,

I thought there was a limit on patenting obvious things, though.

A demonstration the Tesla people do is to put the potential customer in the passenger seat, ask them to turn on the radio, and as they do so, the dealer hits the gas, creating so many G's there's no chance of reaching the knob!

That's not true. We thought about it a lot... And yes, we should.

Oh didn't you know? They've grown from annoying retards with nothing better to do into retards with nothing better to do that have computer skills and get pissed off at the government. It's not necessarily wise to upset an ever-growing group of people who have a grudge, hacking knowledge, and all the time and

In my experience as well as that of my friends it happens just as often as man-on-woman, and perhaps more... the men just don't report it as much.

Canon CR2 or Nikon NEF?

That upset me. I want to pet it and make it happy, but there's nothing I can do from all the way across the internets! YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL, BUDDY!! (just as long as you live in Tennessee)

Sub-launched cruise missiles and torpedoes use an effect like this, though I think it is possibly simulated through compressed air and/or cavitation-generating features on the hulls of the devices.

Or you could just have a UV filter on there so that when you pick up your camera, it's ready. Keep the caps in the bag.

What do you use to open the vault?

Floppies sucked, and you know it.

Only if you let him play with your Wii.

I've been dealing with computers long enough to know a scam - she, however, has not. Still, I figured all my talk of "it's a freaking mac, they don't really GET viruses!" over the past 6 months didn't sink in. When she got her Macbook Pro as a gift, she didn't even know what she was getting- she thought it was some

They stopped doing those, I heard... Not enough people used them, so it got ditched. Nevermind the fact that there was never a single, coherent, easy way to use them. The programs I used required you to snap the code as a picture, then load it as a file into the software to scan, then it would provide you a link to

Does it count if the drag is merely software or hardware induced? Obviously, the martian atmosphere would be rather forgiving if a sportscar (complete with track, specialized fuel, and oxygen for the engine and driver) were blazing along at full tilt across the martian landscape.

I actually know someone who downloaded this...and even followed a credit card link, paying the company like 40 bucks. I've suggested that they change their credit card number... Is this sufficient, unnecessary, or not enough?