
I agree with you but as far as I know, radar data certainly hasn’t been released either.

And maybe if we didn’t have 50 year old men calling balls and strikes with apparently no oversight, the strike zone could be established in the first this isn’t the absolute number one thing on everyone’s list is a mystery to me.

It may very well be but it’s still juice. And I don’t care, humans have conquered the cow and we shall do as we please! Ice cream is awesome and I shall not be denied!

I remember this card so hard. AG is indeed keeping it high and tight.

Couldn’t agree more. I dig watching sports, so if that’s what I’m into that night, I’ll seek out a sports bar cause not only do you have a guarantee the game will be on, usually dedicated sports bars will have a jillion TVs so you’re guaranteed to have a good sightline. BUT if I’m just out for dinner/hanging/drinking

My only issue is people calling this stuff “milk.” It’s juice, or perhaps an extract or some such thing, but milk is milk, end of story. If it didn’t come out of an udder or a boob, milk it is not. It doesn’t sound as appealing to put soy juice on your corn flakes, but it’s the same as why only actual maple syrup can

Ahh indeed I hadn’t considered dudes in Cessnas and choppers and whatnot. Good point.

“Harley made $8.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2017, compared with $47.18 million in the fourth quarter of 2016.”

Yeah I’ve always kind of wondered why this isn’t more much are controllers really using visual cues to bring a plane in? I mean yes, I’m sure it’s convenient to be able to look out a window and get confirmation of things, but has it not been almost entirely electronic for like, decades at this point?

Gary Cooper was the shit. Watch “High Noon,” my favorite of his, which incidentally also stars Grace Kelly arguably in her absolute prime.

Ditto for Cathy. Cathys are all 53 year old office workers with trolls on their desks and crap. Also as an aside, I know a Gary who’s only like 28, maybe 30 at the most. Although he’s from Scotland so perhaps all bets are off given that Dermot and Fingal are not uncommon names there as well.

What’s an “assemblymemember?” 

In all honesty this would be sort of cool in the NFL...same as if you get injured on a play, you have to sit out the next play...make it the same with penalties. O-line guy false starts? You’re out for a play, dummy. (Same as with the injury thing, you’re allowed to sub in a would certainly making playing 2nd

I am totally open to the idea that I know nothing about basketball, as I’m a casual fan at best...yeah it was a nice dunk, but he just ran into the dude, it’s not like he jumped right over his head, or hit him so hard he landed in the stands...Am I missing something? Is that hard to do (I mean beyond how hard it is to

Yeah like what was the best case scenario for this turd? Even if he had waited for Tiger to swing, is this just so he can tell people HE was the dude who yelled at a guy on a golf course? Who wants to be known as that guy?(Oh wait, someone who goes and watches golf live. Never mind)

Kind off off topic, but indulge me...I assume flat earthers have some kind of explanation for why the moon looks like it looks, right? Is it just a probe that the Illuminati put up there, and it’s really only a few hundred miles away? Or is it a disc, like the earth, that just happens to always been pointed towards

Didn’t even know McGriff was on the ballot! Awesome. (I know there’s a snowball’s chance that Crime Dog will get in but it’s nice to see his name up there. How about him AND George Bell?)

Oh sweet lord...yeah that would be rather disconcerting to say the least.

First of all, I’m not at all attacking the person, and second, you misspelled “ad hominem.” And yes, reincarnation is in the realm of superstition not just for me, but for literally every single person on earth. It doesn’t happen, and that’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of fact, and as such would not make a

Do you wanna explain how someone would land any kind of footwear into an airplane toilet simply by opening the door? Not being a dick, genuinely curious.