
Maybe I’m a weird person, but since when was it a positive thing to have your kids like the same music as you? Part of being a parent is being completely out of touch with today’s music, and making your kids rebel by listening to music you think is SHIT. One of the reasons I’m wildly disappointed in post boomers and

Absolutely agree...while I’m definitely not OK with this, surely there are far bigger problems we could be solving than worrying about 80 year old bones. Both my grandfathers were military and while both survived the war, if they hadn’t, and I found out that a week ago, someone had cut up the ship that one of them had

Well I guess if you don’t think there’s nuance in drunk driving cases, I’m talking to a brick wall; you clearly think this guy was just as dangerous as a lifelong alcoholic with 4 previous DUIs who blew through 5 red lights, wiped out a family of 5 in a minivan, then drove into a building and burned it down. I hope

I agree to a point, I’m just saying “the time” is a little bit ridiculous in this case. He was going like 15 mph and planned to go perhaps a block away. Not exactly “taking people’s lives” in his hands. How many people were out on that street? Having a blanket punishment for any crime, especially as once as nuanced as

What I actually asked was not whether he deserved to be punished, but whether the punishment he received was appropriate. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds to me like you think it was. Which makes me wonder if you’ve got stock in private prisons or something. Putting this guy away and taking a year (a year!) of

The point is while, yes, the guy had a couple of glasses of wine, but that may or may not have been a factor in this accident. The lady may have jumped out in front of the car in such a way as to make it impossible for anyone -sober or slightly, slightly less sober- to avoid hitting her. The brakes in his car may have

That is both cool and terrifying. Nothing really exists anymore.

Fine, it seems you’re not gonna budge on this “well you’re either completely sober or totally drunk” issue but I’ll ask again, do you honestly think this guy deserved over a year in prison and having his life turned upside down for quite some time afterward, for busting a lady’s ankle going 10 mph? Like is this a guy

Let me rephrase...given that it can’t be said definitively that alcohol was a factor (and almost certainly wasn’t), and that this accident could very well have happened anyway, do you think that over a year in prison is appropriate for a busted ankle? What if he had been sober, but just really tired?

Homemade Kahlua? Can’t believe no one posted this yet, so I must:

Chicken fried steak should be WAY higher, and scrapple should be tied at the bottom with Skyline chili. The only place you could realistically serve scrapple is at a hog farm. And not even to the pigs, they deserve better. The cockroaches and perhaps feral cats that live in the pig barn.

Not only is she shockingly bad at her job, she doesn’t appear to care in the least. I’ve absolutely never seen a WH press secretary more obtuse and unable to answer questions than her. Whenever she gets backed into a corner (which is often), she just says something like “we’ve already addressed that” (while never

You honestly think a year plus in prison is an appropriate penalty for an accident that was in no way caused by alcohol?

My issue with MADD and horseshit drunk driving laws is that they’re attacking one specific behaviour and demonizing it while ignoring the other myriad ways that people cause accidents. Obviously I’m not pro-drunk driving, but it’s bothersome that it’s punished far harsher than other risky driving habits, ie. driving

Thank you for this...I am definitely not a “truther” but without question there are a myriad of things that the public has not been told about 9/11 (both the lead-up to it and the event itself) for whatever reason, and I for one would like to know. To use one now-classic example, there are a ton of people who think

While I am absolutely in favour of *some* of these measures to speed up the game, there are some definite flaws in these. How about a rule for batters so we don’t have guys standing around adjusting their gloves 80 times and taking 15 practice swings every pitch? Batters, you get 1 instance of calling time and one

Yeah I always wondered during the Bush years, I kept looking at guys like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney and going WTF??? You guys are obviously already super rich, why the fuck would you basically volunteer to wear a suit and tie every day, deal with a wildly high stress job...why wouldn’t you just

And was President Lincoln OK?

Semi-off topic question...after watching the Vikings replay on Youtube, I made the stupid mistake of reading some of the comments, and a truly astonishing number of them mentioned that they thought the game was rigged...and not like, boo hoo I’m a Saints fan, that was rigged, I mean people who absolutely believe the

Unless you have a wildly weak immune system, chances are you didn’t actually have the flu all of those times. Obviously I don’t know your situation, but there’s huge difference between having a bad cold (off your feet for maybe 3-4 days with the sniffles and it kind of sucks) and getting the flu (kicks the shit out of