
Maybe I’m a weird person, but since when was it a positive thing to have your kids like the same music as you? Part of being a parent is being completely out of touch with today’s music, and making your kids rebel by listening to music you think is SHIT. One of the reasons I’m wildly disappointed in post boomers and

Homemade Kahlua? Can’t believe no one posted this yet, so I must:

Chicken fried steak should be WAY higher, and scrapple should be tied at the bottom with Skyline chili. The only place you could realistically serve scrapple is at a hog farm. And not even to the pigs, they deserve better. The cockroaches and perhaps feral cats that live in the pig barn.

Not only is she shockingly bad at her job, she doesn’t appear to care in the least. I’ve absolutely never seen a WH press secretary more obtuse and unable to answer questions than her. Whenever she gets backed into a corner (which is often), she just says something like “we’ve already addressed that” (while never

While I am absolutely in favour of *some* of these measures to speed up the game, there are some definite flaws in these. How about a rule for batters so we don’t have guys standing around adjusting their gloves 80 times and taking 15 practice swings every pitch? Batters, you get 1 instance of calling time and one

And was President Lincoln OK?

Semi-off topic question...after watching the Vikings replay on Youtube, I made the stupid mistake of reading some of the comments, and a truly astonishing number of them mentioned that they thought the game was rigged...and not like, boo hoo I’m a Saints fan, that was rigged, I mean people who absolutely believe the

You get a star simply for your screen name

The thing that blew my mind about the rovers was their size...I was assuming they were like a remote controlled car from when you were 12, but I saw the mockup of Curiosity at the Smithsonian and it’s like the size of a damn minivan. For some reason that impressed me even more.

Couldn’t agree more. Soooo many weddings where some dipshit bridesmaid brings up “the roadtrip to Colorado when we were 17!” that only 3 people present know about and the entire rest of the people at the wedding feel like they’re unworthy friends all of a sudden.

When I was like 11 we toured an Arby’s for like, some kid’s birthday or something and the owner told us that it was an acronym for American Roast Beef, Yes Sir! Not sure if he was pulling our leg.

Civ VI code not working here.

Civ VI code not working here.

THANK YOU for posting this...I saw it live but when the broadcast didn’t mention or show it again I wasn’t sure I saw what I saw. Goddamn amazing and could easily have been overlooked. Nice save.

Absolute top level comment. +1 zapruder frames

Really I couldn’t care less (although I obviously care a LITTLE being that I’m posting about it, but still) it seems like the three or four people that happen to get their post off quickest gets like 300+ stars and then absolutely everyone else get basically none. Are there people really out there that are super

+1 million stars for this, as long as they remain unspangled and bannerless

ZOMG just had 9 flashbacks at once remembering Hungry Howie’s commercials on the WRIF. BABY!

The whole point of protesting during the anthem (or at least, a large part of the point at least) is that it is a a very visible way to protest...which is indeed the point of protesting at all. If Kap and the rest of the players who are kneeling just did it at home, it wouldn’t be real effective. They do it this way

Not to split hairs, but the US didn’t really “win” the war of 1812. (And neither did the British, in any concrete sense.) But yeah, catchy tune.

Great article, we need more stuff like this on DS.