
While the source of the pictures was maybe a little ridiculous (I’m absolutely pro-choice,and admittedly Buzzfeed was an odd choice), the photos are quite real and the fetuses are very much alive. Per Wikipedia, on Lennart Nilsson, the photographer: “In the mid-1950s he began experimenting with new photographic

Not to put too fine a point on this, but it’s been done many, many times.

“UPDATE: Video Game Industry Had No Idea”: don’t worry, neither did Trump. President Shit For Brains has no idea what’s happening to absolutely anyone on this earth, including himself, at any given moment. The idea that they’re even having this meeting would be laughable in itself under any other presidency, but being

“Kill the emotion of soccer”

I feel like we need like 9 guys with guns, and then have them form a line, in order of how good they are. Then we’ll know who the good guys with guns are that will supposedly protect all of us when the bad guys with guns come. Unless the bad guy is one of the 9, and we just *thought* he was good but he tricked us.

If only the students were armed, they could have done something about this. Or if that teacher’s gun had a gun. Or if there were just autonomous robots patrolling the school, with guns on their guns (in case the first gun doesn’t work). And a guy on call 24/7 to maintain the robot, who would naturally have a gun, in

Said the guy whining about the supposed “whiniest” sports fans. Thanks for coming out pal.

Holy fuck, who pissed in your cereal bud? I make one somewhat innocuous comment on the lack of trade deadline coverage (which, by the way has exactly ONE article so far) and apparently I’ve touched a nerve. Not trying to say there should be 50 hockey stories a day, far from it...just looking for some stories about

Well no, I don’t raise the points in ridiculous sports coverage comments,’s ridiculous sports coverage and shouldn’t get any more attention. Make no mistake, I have no hatred towards women’s college basketball, but let’s be honest, there are more people who would want to hear about hockey than that.

Ahh OK it’s worded a little ambiguously, I read that as the team had gone 16-0 overall, including being undefeated in their conference. And admittedly I did miss the 30-0 thing (although that theoretically could have been a reference to the fact that they were 30-0 over 2 seasons or something, but fine, yes, I did

Well obviously teachers are just the first step, then we can start arming priests, movie theater ticket people, security at concerts, bands at concerts, store owners at malls...the world won’t be truly safe till everyone has a gun, dummy! Then NO ONE will get shot!

16 games is a season?

That’s assuming it’s fixable at all, which is definitely not guaranteed in the least. There are many people much brighter than me who study this stuff all the time saying it’s more than likely already a foregone conclusion, and all we can do now is essentially slow the rate of our own extinction. Not a fun thought but

A dry fraternity? Why even bother then?

“The exhaustively reported BuzzFeed article”

Oh absolutely any group that’s all women who are over 45-50 years old, this is the story. And they’ll not only all want separate checks, they’ll want all the stuff they shared divided up exactly how it was consumed, so you end up having to divide shit into like 24 pieces to find a common denominator that works for

+1 billion on the glove thing...there are times when gloves are appropriate, but this automatic “oh they have gloves on so I’m sure it’s fine” culture is fucking ridiculous. I’d MUCH rather go to a place where I knew hand washing was ingrained the staff than have my sandwich or whatever made with gloves that some

+1 on EFF the Red Hat Society. It’s all lovely old ladies and “thanks dear” until they start asking you for like one slice of pie, two side plates and three forks. They might as well just wear a sign that says “You will serve all 12 of us for 3 hours, with at least 8 substitutions. There will be a total of 3

They don’t do shootouts in the playoffs, and I would riot in the streets if they ever even proposed it.

Oh 100%. So VERY few games need more than 1, and a tiny percentage need 2, I’d be completely fine with 3 then a shootout, given that it would be something one game in ~1000, maybe more.