AGREED. At what point did people forget how to use a fucking telephone? I realize our phones now are just very small computers but WTF is with people holding their phones end-wise up to their stupid mouths, screaming into them, and using the speaker? Move the device 4 stupid inches towards your stupid head and use the…
Hit the nail on the head...growing up in Southern Ontario was just a sea of Michigan flags flying from cars owned by people who picked UM to cheer for because it was the closest, they have a big stadium, and they love telling people “it’s not yellow, it’s MAIZE.”
What a between the players, the players families, and the giant staffs that pro football teams have, there’s like 400 people running around with a ring that realistically under a hundred people legitimately had a hand in actually earning. “Oh wow, you won a Super Bowl?” “Oh no, my wife is Bill Belichek’s…
THIS. I’ve said this again and again...the ENTIRE point of a bullpen is to warm up a guy. He doesn’t need 15 more pitches when he comes into the game. Like 3 pitches so him and the catcher can get on the same page, and let’s get on with this shit. I also wouldn’t be opposed to limiting the total number of pitching…
That was the “Happy Birthday Mr President” of national part is, I’m sure Trump and Trump people would consider this a fitting tribute to your nation. Irony isn’t what it used to be.
Didn’t know that if you paid more than someone else for your seats you’re allowed to be a racist piece of shit. I’ll make a note.
Yeah except no one yells racist shit at white people at hockey games. Get your head out of your ass man, if you don’t realize how racist this was then you need to re-evaluate yourself. And if you’ve shouted something worse than that, at a hockey game or anywhere else, then you’re a fucking giant asshole.
You’re talking about a situation a) so bizarre as to boggle the mind with the impossibility of its occurrence, and b) that you and all the gun owners nationwide couldn’t prevent even if it did happen (it won’t). You’re saying that you should be able to keep guns in case what...some president or Congress down the road…
You’re right, we should probably just keep doing what we’re doing. 57 people murdered in cold blood in broad daylight at an outdoor concert, and 17 more the other day, but I mean numbers don’t lie! It’s clearly not a problem we need to address. Glad you cleared up that access to guns isn’t a real big deal.
You’re right, bringing guns to a school is totally normal behavior that we wanna promote. I mean it’s not like they all get USED! This is fine.
It’s simple, implement the system that the NHL keeps talking about (and hopefully enacts as soon as humanly possible): once your team is eliminated from playoff contention, there’s a point system based on how many games you win after you’ve been taken out.
I realize this post was in jest (and pretty funny too, I liked the dog butt) but just wanted to say that anyone who’s concerned about a dog being purebred is not a real dog fan, and dog shows (up to, including, and especially the Westminster) are a fucking joke. Just have a dog and treat it nice.
I don’t even really like Coldplay outside of the first record but the only thing Imagine Dragons have in common with them is they were both mentioned in these 2 posts. Holy CHRIST those guys are terrible. I think they might be in an all time tie with 21 Pilots in terms of bands that just have no redeeming value other…
My grandmother had a green Shadow when I was a kid, which is pretty much all you need to know about Shadows. Though her previous whip was an Omni, which makes this car look like a goddamn Porsche.
That’s goddamn amazing, you get a STAR
Really great article, enjoyed that.
Oh yeah I wasn’t really being serious, although you mention totally circular tracks do exist? That’s sort of neat. But as you say, that’d sort of mess with you after a while I’m sure. If there was a really big wide one that’d be fun as hell on rollerblades though.
Not nearly enough stars. Between this and the 20 kilos of cocaine/heroin post today, there’s been some top notch comments. Well done everyone.
If you’re a male skater in the Olympics and don’t even attempt a quad, you are not winning, no matter how great a skater you might be. Not saying you need to land 15 of them in a routine, and obviously it’s insanely difficult, but such is the nature of this already ridiculous, ridiculous activity already, and he knew…