
Forgot this was in Oregon too...amazing. One of the all time greats.

Wait, so a guy who gets punched in the head for a living doesn’t really have his finances in order? Shit, well I guess I’ll have to start a list of boxers who didn’t handle their money well, cause I can’t think of anyone before him like that.

Came here to make a GoT joke, well done

It wouldn’t be that hard to believe that the pilot was perhaps a touch closer to the fence...I’ve been there dozens of times and more than a couple of times I’ve seen people straight up blown across that street and into the water. It’s a dumbfuck thing to do and honestly I’m surprised more people aren’t killed or at

Damnit, I was afraid of that. I know it’s wildly unfair but I just liked the idea that the ASG meant *something.* Cause otherwise I just wanna see the Home Run Derby and maybe some other kind of cool skills competition shit like the NHL used to do (fastest skater, hardest slapshot and all that). Or like in the NBA,

I actually kind of liked having the ASG determine home field advantage in the World I a lame person for wishing they had kept that in? Also +1 for no Chris Berman. Not to shit on him while he’s down, but yeah. (And as an aside, just because someone was famous, related to someone famous, a child, or

I actually kind of liked having the ASG determine home field advantage in the World I a lame person for wishing they had kept that in? Also +1 for no Chris Berman. Not to shit on him while he’s down, but yeah. (And as an aside, just because someone was famous, related to someone famous, a child, or

God bless you for posting this. Great video, and even though I loathe the Maple Leaves with every part of my being, seeing old footage of the Gardens is always fantastic. The absolute highest cathedral of hockey. Plus some cool shots of my beloved Red Wings. Pretty sure I caught some clips of ol Alex Delvecchio (among

Says the guy who dips his hot dogs in WATER before he eats them. He is not an authority on the subject. If you have to eat your dogs in a way that literally no person outside of “competitive eating” eats them, then you haven’t eaten 73 or however many hot dogs. While I have absolutely no doubt he can probably out eat

I actually kind of like the “Live Laugh Love”signs now because if I see one in a house, I immediately know to not to take anything that person says seriously at any point. Saves time, and I can brace myself for when they inevitably say something like “Cancun is SUCH a good time, me and Dale have been TWICE” and then

Not having all the details I can’t say for sure, but if the plane had been flying for an hour already, then it’s rather unlikely the door could have actually been opened given the pressure differential. I see you mention altitude in the article but again, an hour into the flight, I have to assume the plane is well

Yeah this always blows my if you don’t stand at the exact area where the bags come out, you’re somehow gonna miss it. Relax bud, wait around the corner of the thing, you might have to wait all of 40 extra seconds to get your bag. Calm down and realize you’re just gonna be waiting outside for a cab anyway.

Who brings their wallet to the court at Wimbledon? And why is it full of coins? Did he ride the fucking tube to the match?

Agreed...I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again...if the technology exists to see a tennis ball moving 120 mph and determine down to the micro-millimeter if it’s in or out, then surely there’s something that can be adapted for the strike zone. Even when you factor in the height difference in different players and

Marge, I have sand in my underpants...

Dunno, just confirming things in the article you posted.

“generation [X] in the timeframe of 1965 to 1984" 

Sorry to tell you, but if you were born at any point in the 80s, you are most definitely not Gen X. You may identify with that culture (and good for you), but that’s like someone who was born in 1965 trying to tell you they were a hippie.

Can anyone explain to me what this idiot has actually done, other than talk nonsense for the past 20 plus years? Apparently if you have the word reverend in front of your name and hang around the right people, you can be famous for decades for no reason at all. Makes the Kardashians and the Hiltons look like hard

In other news, someone gives a shit about the NBA draft, an event (like all other drafts) you could read about in its entirety the next day. Seriously who gives a sweet motherfuck about ANY draft until it’s over? Like anyone cares about hearing the name of some dude who everyone knows was gonna be picked like 8