
Who brings their wallet to the court at Wimbledon? And why is it full of coins? Did he ride the fucking tube to the match?

Agreed...I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again...if the technology exists to see a tennis ball moving 120 mph and determine down to the micro-millimeter if it’s in or out, then surely there’s something that can be adapted for the strike zone. Even when you factor in the height difference in different players and

Absolutely regardless of his politics, I don’t care who you are, this is all you need to see to realize this man is dangerously unstable, and basically lives his entire life moment to moment, never planning what will come out of his mouth for more than 3 or 4 seconds. Not only does he miss the biggest softball joke

Marge, I have sand in my underpants...

Dunno, just confirming things in the article you posted.

“generation [X] in the timeframe of 1965 to 1984" 

Sorry to tell you, but if you were born at any point in the 80s, you are most definitely not Gen X. You may identify with that culture (and good for you), but that’s like someone who was born in 1965 trying to tell you they were a hippie.

Does Bill Burr know about this? Fast-twitch fibers...

Yeah and my favorite part is when he referred to evolution as “archaic and lacking sufficient evidence.” Like, compared to what? Is there some other, newer theory that I’m not aware of? How could a theory that’s not only supported by a mountain of evidence, but also less than 200 years old be archaic? Can he hear

Can anyone explain to me what this idiot has actually done, other than talk nonsense for the past 20 plus years? Apparently if you have the word reverend in front of your name and hang around the right people, you can be famous for decades for no reason at all. Makes the Kardashians and the Hiltons look like hard

In other news, someone gives a shit about the NBA draft, an event (like all other drafts) you could read about in its entirety the next day. Seriously who gives a sweet motherfuck about ANY draft until it’s over? Like anyone cares about hearing the name of some dude who everyone knows was gonna be picked like 8

Indeed. More to the point, I hate the whole idea of completely not celebrating hitting a home run at all, lest the precious feelings of the pitcher be, it’d be one thing if Bautista (or anyone) ran around the bases, pointing at the pitcher and calling him a bitch or something, but all he did was throw his

If I may interject, there is a fundamental difference between car insurance and health care...the point of car insurance is to a) make money for the insurance company and b) provide a way for a wronged party to be compensated when a driver hits something that he can’t afford himself to replace. On the other hand,

Only female circumcision?

Doing some quick napkin math here: 750 room nights at $150/room (yes, it was Christmas but you gotta figure they’re getting a decent rate, booking that many rooms at once) is just under 125K, and assuming it’s a grand per person for airfare (again pretty generous I think) you’re still only up to a half million or so.

One million stars for this.

Actually you’re both sort of right (and wrong)...while the home of the Cup is indeed the HHOF in Toronto, the “real” Cup (meaning the one they currently award, not the original or the replica) spends quite a bit of time travelling. The winning team gets it all summer, and the rest of the year it shows up at charity

So excited for a console that comes out in 5 months that plays games that I’ve never heard of that come out in 3 months! Doesn’t anything actually come out anymore? Or do we just get announcements about announcements? Motherfuck, call me old but I remember when a premiere was a premiere.

This seems sort of like a modern variation on Which someone should bring back BTW, I loved that shit and it was an awesome conversation stimulator.

Once again, no valid points raised. And I reckon only someone who read what I wrote would make it such a point to mention that they didn’t. In any case, when you have something useful to add outside of lame complaints about my grammar, gimme a shout.