
You’re damn right I do. And the reason it can flourish is that I’m not constrained by the idea of some invisible being constantly reading my thoughts, judging me and subsequently passing judgement, and somehow deciding my eternal fate as a result. And I assure you while my intent wasn’t to be nasty -it was strictly to

Ahh but you still did though, I imagine. Thanks for playing, you can pick up your set of steak knives on the way out.

Sorry my internet comments aren’t perfectly presented and edited by the Oxford University Press...not sure why you “couldn’t get through all of that,” given that it’s only a couple of hundred words, but regardless, try your best, pal.

Just wanted to say great article and it absolutely made my day to immediately remember the “get more stupider” rhyme and be instantly transported back to the 3rd grade. Anyway I gotta go, I’m off to Mars to get MORE CHOCOLATE BARS!

Also was there an official estimate of that last one? It hit above the old Windows restaurant so I gotta believe that allowed to travel, that would have been easily 460-475. Other than Canseco’s mega moon shot to the 500 level back in the 90s I think that’s one of the longest if not the longest one I can remember at

I feel so bad for Delgado that he accomplished such an amazing piece of hitting in front of like 50 people, cause the Jays level of suckitude was so very, very high in those days. I blame the super lame uniforms.

You couldn’t be more mistaken. While you are absolutely right that violence is undertaken by Christians as well as many other faiths, none are called to it more directly than Islam. I have no hatred for anyone of any shade, but make no mistake, I am completely against anyone who kills in the name of ANY religion, and

Well either you’re full of it or you haven’t read the books. And even if you were right (you’re not), if you look around, I don’t think you’ll find Presbyterians and the Amish blowing themselves up in buses full of people.

You mean other than the time he appeared, and was interviewed? Oh but fair enough, you meant Bill O’Rielly, who is probably a plumber from Topeka or something and indeed has not interviewed the former president, and not the recently fired asstwat Bill O’Reilly. If you’re gonna be an idiot, at least spell the name of

I may well have, my eternal raging hatred for soccer often blinds me to the most obvious of things. I respectfully stand by what I said, notwithstanding the confusion from whence it was brought forth.

Well you didn’t say anything about being a Christian, you simply mentioned both you and he were white. Which in and of itself has nothing to do with what happened. It was his belief that whites are better, or whatever he thought, that was his reasoning behind what he did, which is not a belief held in general by white

You’re right, the religion doesn’t commit the violence, the people following the religion that blatantly promotes the violence do.

Actually it’s not at all...all you have in common with Dylan Roof is a skin colour and not a belief system. If you are Muslim, even if you yourself don’t commit violence, you believe in a religion that does, and by extension are a tiny bit complicit. Obviously most Muslims are non-violent people, but if you believe in

Um no. Removing restrictions on guns sends innocent people getting shot by their own family members through the roof. It turns the number of robberies that turn into murders through the roof, and generally makes the chances of an average citizen being shot through the roof. If more guns made people safe, America would

I agree with most of what you said except: “There is a direct line between the U.S. disastrous involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and ISIS.” 

1500 dumbasses in a square, watching the world’s most boring sport and then getting only slightly injured is a tragedy turning into a great event. Maybe next time they’ll just go to bar or watch from home, and put on something worth watching. Everybody wins.

“just when it seems almost too late, introduce a product that does the mostly the same thing as everybody else’s product but only if you use it in precisely the way Apple decides, but better twice as much money, with limited functionality and an overpriced warranty.” FTFY (emphasis mine)

Must be pretty awesome to get paid millions of dollars, and the biggest deal in your life is that someone else has a piece of fabric on his back in the same shape as the one you wore for a while, and that you feel he should have a differently shaped piece of fabric on his back. Guess what, DF, a slap in the face is

Nice article, Barry...did not expect the crazy backlash of right-wing psychos in an article about hockey. Here I was thinking I could just read a rather well written article about my favorite sport without getting into an insane debate but evidently this is the world we live in now. In any case keep it up, this was a

The only thing people are confused about is people like you, looking everywhere for a liberal media conspiracy that doesn’t exist. It’s not all about you. Sometimes a well written article about hockey is just a well written article about hockey. Calm down and go back to coming up with zingers like “libtard.” Not sure