
Oh I agree with you, I’m just saying that whatever needs to be done to fund women’s hockey with a modicum of fairness, should get done; if that means maybe they get a slightly larger slice of the pie from the money that men’s hockey generates, so be it. As an aside, we should also be doing a better job of integrating

So when you say women, you mean woman? One woman in 100 years of the NHL, who never played a regular season game? Also you’re missing the point, this has little to do with the NHL.

it’s fucking ace to crumble up CTC into ice cream...I work on cruise ships and the mess always has little boxes of cereal out 24 hrs, and the froyo machine is always on, so we go make snacks in there sometimes, good times.

No, you definitely, definitely, definitely could not. The fact that you even said it is proof enough that you can’t possibly do it. If you don’t have YEARS of experience, a fucking major junior team could massacre you.

When I first read the headline I was sort of surprised...I wouldn’t have thought the heads of British soccer would want to tell the fans of their sport that it’s confirmed that they’re brain damaged for liking it...then I saw it was for the PLAYERS. Well best of luck, if you’ve already devoted your life to something

Why is he wearing headphones? And not even wearing them, tucked into his shirt? Did they surprise him with this? Did he not know he was going to have his picture taken just then? WTF? Also aren’t all these guys making a million dollars a second to beat each other’s heads in and therefore be able afford something

comment of the year

Not super obscure by any means, but nonetheless noteworthy...driving the strip in Grand Bend, ON a couple years ago (sort of a Key West-esque beach town, but much smaller and no one lives there in the winter...but come summertime it’s a great hangout town if you are college age), saw a Maybach 57 tooling around. And

Yeah this is dumb, considering all the stupid crap that we’re putting up with. For example:

I’ve always had a thing against Canon in D because when I graduated high school...the band - instead of playing Pomp and Circumstance, which I had been looking forward to the whole damn year at that point (lame, I know, but indulge me, I was a band nerd) - played this stupid-ass song because it was so stupidly popular

Next time you buy a hockey team for 8 million and turn them into a contender in less than 10 years, let us know. Even in today’s dollars it’s fucking unreal. Let the man rest in peace with his well-earned legacy. He loved that city more than damn near anyone.

Oh well shit, who knew there was an actual thing for this. Good on you!

“Is there some accepted standard of a wreck’s age where no one challenges removing fragments and specimens from the ocean floor?”

People report this stuff like Trump and friends would even care if it was illegal...Conway could have come on the air and told everyone it’s their new federal duty to punch the first baby they see each morning, and send 5 dollars to Halliburton and no one would bat an eye anymore. We are in bizarro world.

Who said I was only blaming them? They’re just one of the many batshit insane groups that seems to make it a point to vote against their own interests. I assure you I blame a whole host of people for voting in (sort of) a literal clown to take the reins. At least I’ll be pretty old when China takes over so it won’t

Well there you go America...the guy running the whole show is unable to express himself beyond a 6th grade level about a sports game that he can’t even wrap his head around. At least in Toronto, we knew he smoked crack, which at least partially explained his behaviour. You have no such luxury and this guy could quite

Pimentos? Who other than Marge Simpson adds pimentos to anything? So wrong.

I don’t get it...who are these guys buying the cars FROM? Couldn’t those people just return the cars themselves and make the buyback money? Are they unaware of the scandal?

A better question is “how the fuck is The Bachelor still on TV?” Seriously, with all the awesome shit (GoT, Walking Dead, the aforementioned Mr. Robot, Westworld, etc. etc. etc.) on television, how is this tripe still on? Makes The Price Is Right look like hard hitting, visceral entertainment.

I couldn’t give a fuck about the Islanders, but sweet lord if they lose a franchise, and Phoenix and goddamn Nashville still have one, that’s just wrong. At least they get real snow, and have some banners in the rafters (even if it was a while back now). Quebec city deserves a chance at a 2nd go-round, esp. with their