
Funny, heard an awful lot of whining and crying the last 8 years when Obama had the apparently horrible idea of giving people health care who didn’t have it. But you’re probably right, a guy who literally doesn’t know if it’s raining or not while he’s standing outside and who’s systematically dismantling your Bill of

While I applaud buddy’s spirit in trying to frankenstein a couple of cars together, I can’t possibly imagine swapping out doors and seats and mirrors and steering wheels was worth his time if he only stands to make 3 or 4K on the switch. Even for someone handy with his hands (as he obviously must be if he even

is that a...pig bear man?

Yeah I always wondered why they don’t ONLY have a skills competition for the Pro Bowl, as obviously no one wants their best players out there getting injured for a meaningless game. If the game meant something like in baseball then maybe, but I think that would be a ridiculous gesture in a sport that has a tenth the

Yeah I feel like absolutely that’s really goddamn hard so I don’t wanna take anything away from him but whenever I see daredevil stuff like that I just think “well yeah, do the math, if the sled weighs X and it’s going this fast off a thing that’s this tall, and such and such an angle, I’ll be X high, and hence be

+1 Pizzarena...PLEASE let the people of Michigan and indeed the world only call it this and not by its actual name.

Spectacular...I love the fact that they ran a replay of the ref tearing the logo out...fantastic stuff. “The boys got a little eager there...” Love it.

Definitely agreed on the block in the back penalties...whenever there’s some bad ass 80 yard return, the instant you heard Collinsworth say “Oh there’s a flag” you know immediately it’s getting called back for that dumbfuck penalty.

Wasn’t that the entire ad campaign when these things launched? Also Crispers S+V 4 LIFE

And here I was thinking “stock” car racing was boring because well, it’s fucking boring. The cars are anything but stock, they race on 15 or so versions of the same track, and -let’s make this very clear- the only exciting parts are when someone crashes. They could have avoided all this but chose not to, which is why

In other news, people with double digit IQs continue to be mesmerized by cars driving in a circle and will express their delight by drinking even more light beer and overpopulating the earth, while everyone else on earth continues doing things more useful, like sleeping or counting aloud in an empty room.

Absolutely...people call me a monster or whatever, but honestly other than the “biological imperative” or whatever bullshit, can anyone come up with a realistic, logical reason to have kids? “Oh I just wanted something that would destroy my body, take up 98% of my time, make sure I didn’t sleep for a couple of years,

If you had any product -that did absolutely anything, and even if you got this product for free- and it annoyed you for even 1 year, never mind a decade, you would throw that shit out. Kids are super overrated, and parents convince themselves they’re awesome out of necessity. Not saying kids can’t be fun ever, but the

Agreed on the M, that was a sweet logo. Ditto for the old Brewers one that looked like a baseball glove. Not sure on the year of the Topps, I got the pic off Google image search...but gotta politely disagree with ya on the socks, they remind me of those dumbfuck highschool kids who wear super high socks and those

High socks look dumb, it’s not 1920. Bring back stirrups!


Oh wait so they know what travelling is? Here I was watching the entirety of the last 10 years of basketball and I had assumed that just wasn’t a thing anymore, like steroids in baseball...everyone knows it’s happening, but kind of no one cares and why bother making a stink about it?

“Iraqis would say they prefer Saddam’s rule”

Thank you. Apparently buddy has some kind of inside knowledge as to why that particular monkey has less hair than one of his monkey pals...myself, I only saw the 2 pictures in the article (as I assumed everyone else did, but evidently somebody thinks they know better) so there are a myriad of reasons why he or she has

Alright well as soon as you give up all the products you use that were the result of animal testing, gimme a holler and we’ll see where we’re at. I’m certainly not pro-animal torture in any way, and by all means if there were a better way to do it, I’m behind it 100%. But at the end of the day, this is what has to