
Oh totally agree. And that’s a great point on Bonds.

Clarify for me said you were against taking out Hussein, but you also think they’re worse off without him? I quite clearly stated that it’s a nation that’s not even close to being stable yet, and never once implied that it should stay the way it is today...only that it WILL be a better place once the people

I hate the shit out of soccer but I will give you the lack of commercials...I just wanna start choking the ESPN voice over guy when a team scores a TD, kick the point after, then they go to commercial, come back for the kickoff, there’s 9 seconds of play then MORE COMMERCIALS FUUUUUCK.

I realize that designing and building a fighter jet is a wildly complicated task, but it’s not like we’ve never ever done it what point do we get to go back to the manufacturer and say “um, this is costing 5 times what you said, clearly you had no idea what you were doing from the get-go...” and make them

Please don’t tell me you’re making a judgement call on the treatment of a monkey based on one tiny picture, for which you have absolutely no background. People experiment on monkeys sometimes, and those monkeys live in cages. Get over it. You have no idea what you’re talking about, and even if it was true, it’s

I was originally gonna comment with some snarky thing about “her emails” but then when I read the article, something sad jumped out at me: “the CIA’s Joseph Lambert told Jason Leopold from BuzzFeed.”

Perhaps for relief pitchers (who I imagine are much less likely to have roided up vs. hitters, but this is beside the point), but I don’t know how much “recovery” is required if you’re a DH who sits on his ass for three hours out of three and a half, and gets up once every half hour to swing a bat a half dozen times.

So you’ve changed your answer to my first question then.

While the number of Iraqi civilian casualties killed by other Iraqis as well as Americans is obviously a very bad thing, keep in mind that if he was still in power, he’d still be doing what he was doing, and Iraq, while still rather precarious, is now in a much better place than it would have been had Hussein not been

So were you in favour of letting Saddam Hussein continue to murder tens of thousands of his own people then?

Not sure if you’re being serious. So if you’re not, ignore the following...but it sounds like you are, so:

I’ve got a VHS tape somewhere with one of the Al Music afternoons on it...I don’t remember much about it in particular other than he has an awesome fake interview with Paula Abdul.

Definitely when Conan left it was a big hole to fill, likewise with Phil Hartman...would have been amazing to have had more Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure episodes.

Like many of us, I’ve been saying this shit for years. I know this will never happen, but in our group of friends’ many debates about shit like this, I’ve proposed that in the last 5 minutes, every foul should give a single point, 1 freethrow, and control of the ball to the other team. Possibly go to a 15 or 20 second

And here I was thinking it was a good idea trusting America’s cybersecurity to the nation’s least favorite grandparent...I hope he’s truly embarassed by this obvious “Jesus, we gotta give Rudy a job...well he grew up during the Korean War, and top-loading VCRs are still a wonder of technology to about

Yeah I was gonna say...obviously if you were just at that altitude, unpressurized...first, you would fairly quickly die without oxygen, but yes, if you were to drink a beer or two, I’m sure you’d be obliterated in minutes. That being said, what equivalent altitude are commercial jets typically pressurized at?

I’ll admit my own once-religious viewership tailed off around season 11/12/13 or so, but I chalk that far more up to the fact that those are the years I was in college, so I was far busier going to school (sometimes), and chasing girls and drinking (more so). I busted out season 21 on a lark a few months back and

As a tribute to San Diego, it should look like a whale’s vagina

sorry i can only award you one star for this. you are doing the lord’s work out there. well done.

good lord, another “it was better in the olden days” guy...there was super gold episodes well after that, to wit: Max Power, Arthur Fortune, School Dance/Retirement Grease, Tomacco, Duncan the Horse, Simpsons Behind The Laughter, Funzo, Praiseland, Bart’s Boy Band just to mention a handful, all after season 9. People