
Apparently I’m the only person in the world who thinks this show is just Friends but it takes place in a bar instead of a coffee shop.

Get ready for President Pence everyone...there is no possible way Trump lasts more than a few months when he can’t answer simple questions...I mean it is just out of control when he can’t give a straight answer to literally any question posed to him, everything has to be super hyped up, everything is either fabulous

Comments on the film aside, who the fuck writes copy for Nightline (or really, a ton of news broadcasts of all kinds)... “special effects are straight out of the future!” “...special effects Jedi masters”...really? About as cringe-worthy as it comes. Somewhere, actual adults who get paid money are writing this stuff.

Well that’s not fair, I think the shorts Louisville wears are just naturally poofy like that.

Please tell me that kid has a sibling named Goose.

“Is there anything more frustrating in sports than when a coach leaves his offense on the field on 4th down only for the QB to do a hard count and then call a timeout?”

...not having to watch women’s basketball? In any case I was just taking the piss, clearly an internet comments section is not exactly the most serious of places to have a debate on gender issues. I’m also not going to take shit for making a mostly innocuous comment making fun of a particular group of people in a sea

“The horrors of socialism...” Good lord...first, Canada -while certainly leaning slightly closer- isn’t socialist. Secondly, why is this considered a bad thing? Yeah it sucks up here, everyone helping each other, dealing with illness early on so people don’t wait till they’re on death’s door to get treatment and

I don’t know anything about Duke women’s basketball but I am positive they deserved being embarrassed

Man, these NYE things are getting worse than the Super Bowl halftime shows...Seacrest and Mariah Carey? How more fucking boring and vanilla could you make a party? Actually I take that back, because a big bowl of vanilla ice cream sounds like a way better party than those two turds.

Dear every news outlet: do you think maybe given that the fight lasted under a minute, you could just post the whole thing, instead of giving us “highlights?” How the fuck do you have highlights of a 48 second fight? We’re goddamn adults, we can sit through (and many of us would prefer to) 48 seconds and actually see

Agreed, Jimmy Smits was by far the most distracting and absolutely unnecessary part of that was all Star Wars until he shows up and all of a sudden it was NYPD Blue whenever he talked. Jimmy is cool as shit but that was a bonehead decision.

Apparently I’m the only fan on the planet who thought it was indeed well done and used effectively and an appropriate amount...? I thought the CG and the voice were goddamn spot on. And Leia at the end was bad ass as hell.

Is Grayson really a name? A bunch of my dumbfuck friends have named their weiner kids this so it seems like it’s a thing. Fuck Duke and fuck their made-up-name players. If this isn’t a wildly blatant example of the mob (whoever you define as the mob in college basketball) running shit I mean come on...aren’t there

Jesus, there are rules about how many seconds a coach can talk to his player? FFS I swear there are people at the office of the NFL whose sole job it must be to just make up arcane, ridiculous rules. Fucking figure out some signals, fellas. I realize FOOTBAW is a complicated game but this is out of hand even for the

Oh so you mean a sport that systematically brainwashes girls from a very young age, has them drastically change their diet so they remain underdeveloped, forces them to work sweatshop hours for the 0.001% chance they might get a small, circular piece of gold in exchange for their entire youth, and spits them out on

What I don’t get is that in 2016, news organizations are still so bent on “getting the scoop” like thousands of newspaper subscriptions were on line, like it’s goddamn 1920...correct me if I’m wrong, but I imagine that many of you are like me, stuff comes across your feed, and you don’t know or care where it came from

Is your screen name a darts reference? Because my friends and I have been yelling that for years whenever something goes really well, like the British darts announcers... “ HUNDRED AND EIGHTY!!!!”

You have a very low threshold for “terrifying.” How do you describe stuff that’s actually horrifying?

Can’s been in legal in Ontario for years now, and a) it’s still incredibly rare and b) it is NEVER EVER the people you would want to see. Mostly it’s just old, chubby lesbians in the Pride parade every year. (Not hating on Pride, it’s wonderful and a great use for all the usually-unused colours of paint