Are you sure you weren’t on American Choppers?
Are you sure you weren’t on American Choppers?
Great article! I noticed the postcard was sent 10 days before I was born, so I randomly clicked on it and was not disappointed.
Howarth once again proves he’s a goddamn legend. Damn I miss Tom Cheek though, the Tom and Jerry broadcasts are seared into my memory, listening to ballgames with my Dad in the basement workshop in our house, it was straight up Norman Rockwell.
Respectfully disagree. Howarth is the shit, grew up listening to him and he’s fantastic. I’m with you on Scully though, was lucky enough to get to Dodger Stadium this year on a trip to LA and people LOVE that guy. And for good reason.
...since the same year? same game? or like, there have only been 2 total since then? Not being a dick, genuinely curious.
It’s like I’ve been sayin since last year...Texas just hasn’t learned their A-L-C’S.
Either could they.
wow, FTW. I want a mug that says that.
sadly, clapping on the one isn’t relegated just to baseball music, particularly in TX...
Oh no it didn’t appear until after I posted...and as an aside, an Internet provider from London, ON (a couple of hours from T.O.) called (not sure if they’re owned by Rogers but I get the impression they’re not, they seem to be independent) donated $2500 to OriolesREACH, one of the O’s charities. So there’s a…
I should hardly think one beer can thrown per year is an “established pattern of assholery.” Well over 3 million people went to a Jays game this year, and well over 2 million attended each of the years before that going back to 2012, making it literally more than a one in a million seem to imply that no…
As a Blue Jays fan, thanks for making Buck Showalter forget he had one of the deadliest closers ever to live at his disposal.
As a lifelong Blue Jays fan let me apologize for this dumb as fuck idiot...I can’t even imagine what would have happened if the Jays had a runner on 3rd at the time and buddy had missed the ball because of this ridiculous “fan”...I mean honestly how did you think that would possibly help your team? I never ever want…
That’s super weird too, cause that place isn’t known as a place where that type of shit typically happens, it’s way out of downtown and stuff.
I just love how he says “...and now to the plate, Jaash Daanaaldson, he’s 1 for 2 this afternoon here at Raaagers Centre.”
They’re protesting graffiti?
Just curious to know your source on who Jesus may or may not have had as disciples.
Lemme just fix that for ya
PAID attendance season ticket holders, none of whom attended. My pals Todd and Nic were there, they said there were maybe 1000 or 1500 fans max.
Virginia IS for lovers, after all