
or what?


Once again, dipshits with cell phone cameras ruin everything. I count 6 or perhaps 7 people in that picture (other than the ones on stage), and I can see 4 cameras, plus the one that took said picture.

Cops are most definitely not obligated to escort anyone, including football players. It’s not like the players all got together on their own and decided to bring them in...the owners of the team and/or the management of the stadium set that up, and the cops who show up and do it are often volunteers (or have

The difference is, the ballplayers are still doing the job they’ve been hired to do, and they just kneel during a song that has fuck all to do with it. Cops saying they won’t show up for work, while it may be a form of protest, is also legitimate grounds for dismissal. Just because you don’t like the attitude of the

We need more soldiers like you.

in other news, apparently racing a “truck” that’s been modified to look and drive as much like a car as possible, is still a thing.

I’ve always been fascinated by the American obsession with loving the flag. I get digging your country and being happy to live there, and if you happen to have actually done anything to improve it, being proud of it...but the idea of being full of pride about the actual piece of fabric is odd to me (and a lot of other

Or, don’t hang around people who will think less of you if you choose not to drink...if that’s your choice, whatever, I like to drink, but I certainly wouldn’t look down on someone who didn’t; however I would look down on someone who faked it for the sake of being liked. Also I’d kind of look down on you for not

If you don’t drink enough to know your limit, your limit is very, very low. And you’re probably boring.

If that happened to me, I think I’d be glad because I wouldn’t want to work for a bunch of soulless dipshits who thinking having one beer with lunch means you’re irresponsible. North American attitudes towards casual alcohol consumption suck ass.

I hope that means they fed him 5-6 drinks over a relatively short span and if he could handle his booze then he got the job...but I bet it doesn’t.

you can’t just make up people’s names. coco crisp is a cereal at best but sure as hell isn’t a real person, never mind one that plays professional baseball.

I hope this means McDonald’s will bring back those little pizzas...those were the shit.

i too am shocked, as I didn’t think we would hear a single story about women’s soccer.

technically it’s a half inch above average. so while i wouldn’t look at a dude who’s 5'10" and say he’s tall (especially in my case, i’m 6'), he is still just barely on the tall side.

“Truly” Jewish? What does that mean? (I’m being serious, not trying to start shit. Isn’t anyone who follows the Jewish faith “truly” Jewish?)

gym? what’s a gym?

love that people keep reporting on this as if driving in a circle was a sport...not saying it isn’t semi-difficult, but juggling 15 grapes and a chainsaw is difficult too and no one gives a shit about that...i just can’t imagine anyone realistically thinking driving for a few hours and whipping the wheel left every 30

Probably a sensible individual wouldn’t read kid’s books but I digress. Slut horn is pretty funny although may come with some undesired yet another reason to grow up. Just because it’s 1200 pages long doesn’t mean it’s not a children’s book, it’s just a long one.