
Actual serious question...I grew up in Canada but right on the border so I’m quite aware of the US college system (grew up about an hour from Ann Arbor so there are plenty of folks from my hometown that are “Michigan Fans” even though they have absolutely no connection to the school other than growing up close to it,

I see proofreading is still but a pipe dream for Gawker media...” Santos ended not needing that money...” He ended? Seems like it would be hard to make a donation at that point...

Serious soccer it in fact true that American based soccer teams name their teams with words like “United” and “Real” (as in Real Madrid) in them simply so they sound like Premier League or European teams and hence imply some sort of credibility? It seems like before, they all had names like “Galaxy” and

so 42 million guaranteed at signing...this guy could whip his dick out, jizz all over a broncos helmet, and they would still owe him FORTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. not saying in any way he would do it...but um...if you did that at mcdonald’s for like 10 bucks an hour you would be fired instantaneously, and a guy who plays

Was this not the same year that Will Farrell came out as Haray Caray and tore the shit out of Griffey and John Elway? I seem to remember Norm introducing him. That was absolute gold.

“Sense,” as in “He’s got a lot of hockey sense/football sense/golf sense.” Or saying the name of the sport when discussing something,ie. “Oh that’s a good golf shot.” Oh and one I heard every goddamn day this past NHL playoffs was “time and space.” “We just need to take away their time and space.” OK Carl Sagan, just

really, nazi above child molester? splitting hairs perhaps but i think i’d rather my kid (if i had one) to simply hate a bunch of people instead of actually molest a kid. and to be fair, religious zealot kind of covers child molester.

meanwhile, the rest of the world continued to not care about who attended a fucking BASEBALL GAME. get over yourself america. i’m sure i’ll get screamed at for this, but once again simply being a member of the military does not make you a hero or entitle you to some sort of extra status. TONS of people (EMS folks,

winamp! well done

Apparently neither 27 million dollars nor an NBA title can prevent wedgies though. Nice shorts, LJ.

remember it IS florida, the birthplace of low expectations for the rest of the country.

in other news, lots of other people rode bikes for a while too, and the world continued to not give a shit and use cars and airplanes.

Gee i don’t know, maybe have a goal judge like hockey has had for literally 100 years. Just have a guy sitting there who turns on a light or waves his waves his arms or shoots a flare gun...seems pretty simple. But thanks again soccer, for cementing your position as not only the lamest sport in the history of people,

the quietest seats are usually furthest from the screaming kid that some soulless fuck thought it was OK to bring. seriously there should be special flights just for the horrible people that think it’s acceptable to bring anyone under the age of 16 on an airplane. you must be THIS TALL TO RIDE.

Thank heaven organized religion only fucks up useless shit like auto racing and football/soccer. Hopefully with the inevitable shitshow that will be this year’s summer Olympics (or as actual sports fans refer to it, the boring Olympics that fills in the 4 years till the next Winters), everyone will realize the

my first thought as well...kind of lame

if he’s made the jump to pedialyte, he is no longer borderline i assure you

The hands down best place I’ve found for grill and grilling advice/recipes/mythbusting is ...not just about ribs, it’s about absolutely everything under the sun when it comes to cooking anything over fire. lots of ACTUAL SCIENCE instead of weird old wives tales and absolutely changed the

arguably better than one hooker down two toilets

fantastic! not that I needed one, but yet another reason never to watch soccer. I might be burned to death, asphyxiated, get lung cancer, or god forbid get seated in the wrong section because these cavemen can’t be trusted not to pummel each other to death if someone next to them likes the other team.