
While i agree it would have been nice if the expansion divisions had had 3 original 6 teams and 3 expansion teams each, among other things the geography wouldn’t really have allowed it...and so while it’s a little bullshit that powerhouse squads from the original 6 were all of a sudden eliminated in the semis, and a

anyone who inexplicably is still wondering why actual fans of sports think soccer is a joke: the Premier League, one of the most prestigious leagues in all of soccer, just had a title decided by a) two teams who weren’t in the running for said title and b) by a DRAW. if you need this explained to you, then

hmm, imagine that, well to do white religious men not taking rape allegation seriously, gotta tell ya i’m stunned. fuck mormons just for being a religion at all and promoting their 1950s-level agenda...I can’t believe these people even take themselves seriously. fuck all these dorks who use an invisible man in the sky

you are a dick, that is a dick move, and not only fucks up the person that actually bought that seat, delays everyone behind them trying to board. cut that shit out and just check in on time and get the seat you want instead of taking advantage of people who are too timid to correct your dogshit behavior. do you take

The rat thing only lasted a short time (yes, some people still do it but not to the level of when it first started), and the octopus in Detroit goes back MANY years, and usually only delays the game a very short while. And they’re definitely not throwing them at players. It’s not like there are 15 octopii out there,

nice to see a few more hockey stories here on DS...let’s keep this up, maybe tone down the soccer, add a few more hockey, esp. now that we’re in the playoffs? well done all.

hot dogs #11? for shame. you have clearly never watched a game at the gem of a stadium that is Wrigley. I’m not even a Cubs fan but that place rules and Chicago Dogs are mandatory, as are hot dogs at almost any ballpark. They are DEFINITELY above chicken tenders. Tenders, while delicious, are what you serve to picky 7

would still watch this over soccer every day and twice on sunday.

hopefully they’re learning to spell better than you

Said it once and I’ll say it again, couldn’t give AF what athletes put in their bodies, and it is strictly a semantic argument as to what chemicals (whether they’re called supplements, vitamins, or anything else) are “performance enhancing” or not. By the same logic, should we ban athletes from exercising, as it’s

I am from Canada and only recently got to experience the living, breathing food apocalypse that is golden corral, a few months back in Houston. I wasn’t in that place 10 minutes before i saw a little kid, maybe 4 years old, running around with a chicken wing and a chocolate chip cookie in one hand, and a huge hunk of

lol...i worked for carnival for years and that would not surprise me in the least.

sweetness. definitely never ever thought I’d be able to see that again. Thanks for this. Grew up watching those same guys...Paul Ysebaert is actually from my hometown.

“Shit, I told you guys we shouldn’t make this thing run on Gatorade!”

He definitely comes off that way, I can’t stand him or his pretentious jerk off band. Really though, putting Drew in the same category as the Bushes, Trump, and Tucker Carlson, the biggest douche we had up until we met Martin Shkreli? Not exactly the same level, and at least he’s funny. :)

good for sage...a) it’s a fucking celebrity game on all star weekend, so hardly the place or time, b) no one gives two fucks about what a guy in a band thinks about national health care policy at any place or time, and c) particularly not a pretentious singer of a pretentious dickhead band. people who like them must

like, the longest of shadows. and their auras have LONG ago become tiresome. all i can picture at their shows are beards, idiotic pseudo-art girls who like beards, and people who believe pitchfork reviews. all of whom who have a closet full of coldplay t-shirts that they quickly put in a box after the 2nd record.

to summarize, soccer is basically russian figure skating in the 80s and 90s, except figure skating was exciting to watch and very few people fell down.

yeah pretty much. how are ANY dives fine?

admittedly my capitalization is lackluster at best but i believe my parenth-inside-parenth is correct. and no matter what, they are still better than whatever musical turd the arcade fire might have produced lately, or ever. i absolutely can’t think of a more overrated band. lcd are sort of vaguely OK with me because