are reasons 1-802 a better baseball team, and the 801 shootings that haven’t happened in canada this year?
are reasons 1-802 a better baseball team, and the 801 shootings that haven’t happened in canada this year?
ahh i see someone looked up the “types of arguments” on wikipedia, well done.
Yeah I've used one called's mainly used as a battery saver, but after a several days of seeing where and when you use your main wifi, it learns and automatically turns it on and off for you when you leave or return to your house. Works a treat!
but what if they didn't work hard but got a good grade anyway?
um, unless these (ugly and uninteresting) cars were stolen, then the (now previous) owners have fuck all to say about what happens to them. i would say it's safe to assume they were paid for these vehicles, and whatever the new owners want to do with them is entirely their business. so as someone else already said,…
if the criteria was a person's FIRST non-point and shoot, putting anything that costs 2 large plus buying glass (or north of 3? D800 really? great camera, but...)on top is at least absurd, if not totally pointless. unless you're a trust fund baby or whatnot, almost no one's first venture into this arena is going to…
forgive my possible stupidity here...but you mention that it's tailless...and I see a tail there.
yeah except practically no one uses like 8 colours on one bill as you describe here...they're almost universally done on a theme, so as one can discern at a glance what bill one is looking at. Also, congratulations on being the last country on the damn planet to not figure this out...between this and your dumbass…
considering that 95% of the pics shot on these sensors will never be seen on anything other than a 15 inch laptop screen, or perhaps a 20-something inch monitor, 8MP is actually more than enough...try increasing low light performance instead of cramming a zillion pixels that no one will ever see onto a tiny sensor.
perhaps put it in a small room (ie. closet) with a dehumidifier? perhaps faster than the rice krispies method?
remember that more pixels doesn't automatically mean better fact, more MP on the same size sensor can actually degrade a picture's quality, as every pixel needs light to function...if you add more pixels without making the sensor bigger, the available light is now distributed among more pixels, creating…
angelfire? it was kinda like geocities.
well executed, but the idea at its heart is lame as hell. just what the world needs, more party pictures with dumbass filters on them!
congrats facebook, for doing absolutely nothing about the problem. apparently no one was "aware" of bullying before...and now that we are, it'll go away! fucking awareness! awesome!
anyone who buys this deserves to be separated from their 3.5K.
I don't know that slow luggage delivery is the problem at airports we need to be about eliminating the 89 bazillion dollar waste of space that is the TSA.
mmm....that's good billy.
could you get a tattoo done with this ink? of a 50 dollar bill?
congrats everyone on being able to buy an almost great laptop for twice the price of an actually good one...but on the plus side, it has this totally awesome bite-out-of-an-apple thing on the one side! that'll get you some ladies right?
yeah all i want is something game changing and completely original, every 10 months...jeez, apple, get on this