
can i configure it to have a a better price? i realize the screen is the selling point, and no one else really makes a machine with as nice a screen, but is that alone worth shelling out an extra $600+ just so you can have a piece of fruit on the lid?

yeah motel 6 has free wifi basically everywhere...if you're paying 5-10 dollars on top of a nicer room you're getting hosed, it costs the hotel basically nothing...

is this seriously news to anyone? it's not like in 7 years we're gonna have the iPhone 15 or some shit. get over it.

this is sort of a neat item, minus the lame star wars logo right in the middle of the thing. oh, and the 30 dollars that the logo adds to the price.

this post is ludicrous, especially considering they're comparing a tablet that costs 2 bills to one that costs more than twice as much. I own both, and while obviously the new iPad looks amazing, the N7 still looks really damn good. it's not like people are gonna be using the thing to edit photos for magazine spreads

Yeah I remember when this was the "future, today!" in Windows 3.1, too. No dice, until you can make a computer understand your normal talking voice, and keep up.

too bad that even wearing these cool "boots", you're still playing soccer, instead of a sport that actually rewards athletic prowess and penalizes (rather than glorifies) pussified, diving princesses that fall over when an opponent's pinky comes within 6 inches of them. you can have all the world cups and champions

smudgepad? it's called a non-glare screen protector. used one ever since iPad 2 came out. looks great, no smudges. i'm not even an Apple fanboy, but you can't deny their absolute and indisputable dominance of the tablet world. (as an aside, I owned an iPad 2 [sold to family member] and now own the new iPad [use 95% of

solar panels either embedded in the shoulders, or in small towers placed along the highway? they already do this to power a lot of the lights on road signs, although the amount of power neccesary may be too much for this to be feasible.

the problem with soccer/football is that a) offsides are a constantly moving and hence hard to detect call...they need to move to a static line like hockey has done for decades and b) it's played by giant pussified poncey jillionaires who aren't penalized heavily enough for diving. make the penalty your ejection for

the ONLY thing that will matter if they bring out a smaller iPad is price. people already know what it can do, the question is can it compete with the nexus 7. if they can bring it in at a $199 price point, that's the only question, because obviously as great as the android market is, they have the advantage when it

it's only sold that way so it isn't all squishy in your shopping bags while at the store...but once it's home you can totally just keep it room'll use it up long before it goes bad. on that note too, ketchup is the same...i have never understood why people keep ketchup in the fridge...unless you only use

i've got a 3rd gen iPad but I may just snag one of these as a 2nd tab to bum around with (I mainly use the iPad for work, and this will save me from risking breaking it if I take out and about with me)...price point is killer, great specs...I may just have to pull the trigger on this.

i hope the black x's comment means you're simply underage and not a douchebag who feels the need to tell everyone he doesn't drink.

hey if christians can use god to fill in the gaps in our incomplete history, then why can't the history channel use aliens?

and again as an aside, i'd like to point out that this kind of gun violence is almost unheard of in other parts of the world...yes, there are shootings, of course, but not nearly on the same scale. you want to avoid another U of T, or a Columbine, or a (fill in your favorite here, there are plenty to choose from),

yeah, as a matter of fact, people have made plenty of JFK jokes over the years. the point i'm trying to make is that just because someone died in a widely known shooting doesn't make them special. people get shot all the time, all over the country, and no one gives a shit, but for some reason if you get shot along

i think the thing that most people are missing here is that skinny jeans have never looked good on anyone, of any sex, ever. it makes guys look like douchebags and it makes girls look like they have fatter thighs than they actually do. jeans have never, ever meant to be tapered, ever. not even once. if you wanna wear

while i see where you're coming from, how long do we have to wait before we can make wiseass cracks about bad things that have happened? i mean, people make Hitler jokes all the time and in most cases, people get that no one's making fun of millions of people getting killed and just get the joke. obviously no one

i can't wait to get my home interent installed! i hope it comes with spell check though...but i figure we've had spell check for like 20 goddamn years, so who wouldn't use that! way to keep the bar high, you even read these things before you post them?