
great idea and all, but who the fuck is gonna spend 100 bucks to get 4 bags? (ie. enough for even a small grocery run for 1-2 people for a few days...we don't all live around the corner from cute boutiquey grocery stores and buy just what we need that afternoon.)

i still have no idea why anyone pays attention to these college radio hacks...i swear it's gotta be the only music that bores even the people making it. absolutely the most overhyped, overrated, truly ignorable band EVER.

cause taking a hammer to it would have been WAY too hard.

am I the only person who hopes he's NOT ok? anyone else feel like he got precisely what you deserve if you DRILL INTO A LIVE ROUND? what a fucktard.

yeah, i was gonna say, "professional" other than the firepod and the useless NS10s. who even keeps avalon and neve gear in the same room, never mind the same rack (god forbid actually plugged in) as a firepod? i mean, nothing wrong with a firepod for a small project studio, but with all that other high end shit? WTF?

grrrr, DMCA strikes's like if you bought a car, then Ford could sue you for driving it in a way they didn't want. When you buy something, it should be fucking yours.

Just so you know: the Paper app comes with exactly one pen, then they ask to charge you $1.99 for other pens after that. Lame. Just charge us 6 or 7 bucks up front and let us use the damn thing.

those pics are legit...I've been to that beach a couple of dozen times and the planes really do get that close. and the burgers at that bar are pretty good too. get the one with the egg on it.

we LOVE the Leader! Wow! Here's another bean that looks like Tim Cook...I'll put it with the others.

Your point is well taken...I grew up in a town with native reserves on both sides of it, it's a little jarring to see them having pow-wows every few weeks, but at the same time posting huge signs on their yards advertising "Cheap Smokes" (they can harvest tobacco tax-free in Ontario, and make knock-off brand cigs) and

It was mentioned before in another thread, but it's worth bringing up again...exactly how much innovation can one constantly expect from one company? I'm paraphrasing here:

Several million aboriginal people across what's now Canada, the US, Mexico, Russia, Mongolia, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Chile, not to mention much of the entire continent of Africa would disagree. I'm sure we've lost plenty as well but there are still oodles of oral cultures alive around the world.

Isn't this essentially like saying when man changed from oral tradition to writing shit down, the elders would be going "damn, these books are gonna make everyone forget the traditions, no one will ever know anything again without looking it up first!"

I'm all in favour of all that stuff, other than the hair products...can you really see Don Draper using anything from Herbal Essences? Where's the Dapper Dan and whatnot? Good lord!

Considering the shares are up something like 45% in the last year alone is probably comforting enough. If you had bought shares in early 2009, you'd have made your money 6x by now.

I'm not saying we *should" suppress the votes of people who don't pay tax, (although that's an interesting argument) I'm simply saying that if you don't pay taxes, chances are you don't have a real deep vested interest in who wins the election.

Carnival and Disney are not related other than the fact that several of the ships for each company were built in the same shipyard. And no one "supplies" ships to them, each company commissions the builds specifically and are built to design supplied by the cruise line (vs. say, Fred Olsen Cruise Line, which buys

I realize it would be a rather drastic step, but considering Apple has more money than well...pretty much anyone at this point, why not just build their own plant to make displays in? It's not like they're low on orders, it would be busy for the next 20 years making jillions of new displays for all the snazzy new

wait till you're 25 or 26. i was the exact same way. ate whatever i wanted, ran only when being chased, and stayed 155 lbs forever (I'm 6 feet tall). As soon as I hit 25, everything changed and I gained about 30 lbs that has basically stuck around ever since (I'm 32 now).

Read the article, and while a couple of his points are well taken, when he says "music these days isn't recorded as well, it's lifeless and boring" (I'm paraphrasing), what he really means is POPULAR music. People who grew up in the 60s and 70s mostly relied on radio to find new tunes, and there simply wasn't as much