
Autotune is like's fine when it enhances, and not takes over...and it's best when you don't know it's there. More artists in the past 10-15 have used it in some capacity than those who haven' can believe that or not but it's absolutely true. Saying that anyone who uses it is a fraud is like saying

um, light beer by definition can't be that strong. also, why would want to drink light beer?

agreed...I'm so glad that in only 80-100 years of modern psychoanalysis, everything wrong with everyone is now not their fault, because it's a "disease" or a "condition" or a "disorder." Well here's the news: wrestling's fixed, and EVERYONE has something that could be construed as a disorder of some kind. Get your

am i the only person who thinks skinny jeans look fucking retarded on both men AND women? i mean, more so on men to be sure, but whatever, if you wanna wear tights, wear tights...don't associate yourself with those of us who buy close that fit, and won't look at pictures of ourselves 18 months from now and laugh at

Also, the fact that several states continue to use electronic voting machines, after they've repeatedly been shown to be able to be messed with blows my the sign of the first problem, they ought to have been taken out until a secure system can be developed. I realize paper votes can and are manipulated too,

Well if you have a birth certificate, they know when you were born...and by wielding the awesome power of subtraction, they can determine your age. Also, if you pay taxes, they have your address, so it ain't that tough. And if you don't pay taxes, chances are fairly low you had plans to vote.

Cause yeah, we were doing really great before then with casette Walkmans and CD players that skipped if you looked at them sideways. Fact is, mp3s still sound better (as crappy as they are) than the AM radios that people had in their cars a generation or two ago. Certainly not defending mp3 sound, but because of the

so...she showers blindfolded?

She should just ditch the whole wussy Power Hour thing anyway, save some dough in legal fees fighting some douchebag, and graduate up to Century Club, which is what we do up in the Great White North. Plus then the concert would be 40 minutes longer. Bitchin. And yes, I said bitchin.

so the point of this was...?

good lord, why? do they have a law that you have to serve coffee a room temperature too? land of the free, indeed. come on up to Canada, where it's both sold cold, and if you forget to refrigerate, just stick it outside for a while...and Robert's your mother's brother.

Cause that's the way it's always been done, for something like 100's like saying "why are baseballs made of cork, yarn and cowhide, then rubbed with mud?" There's nothing weird about it, it's what works.

how exactly does that make you a champion of anything? all you did was do more of something than other people have's not a competition. that's like saying I'm the champion of opening my own laptop, cause i've done it more than anyone.

There is an important distinction to be made...while many people ENJOY and PREFER the sound of vinyl (I myself have a good quality turntable and dig busting it out sometimes), it doesn't "sound better" from an objective standpoint. I am absolutely all for building up a cool ass vinyl collection, as it does allow

um, my hp has had 2 finger scrolling since the beginning, as well as a bumload of other programmable gestures and whatnot, including multitouch...also, the apple ones are annoying cause by default, tap to click is disabled, and 95% of the

This is freaking amazing...tell me there are plans to do the other 2 movies, I would so be in.

+1 to the Mexican Fender comment...I have an Elite Series Mexican Strat, which is made of all American parts and as with many Mexi Fenders, made from the same blanks of wood as American Standards...the only difference is that a Mexican guy in Mexico puts it together instead of a Mexican guy a half hour north in

Not defending Costa here, but making a comment on a cruise line now based on a cruise you took 25 years ago seems like a bit of a stretch.

There is no such thing an "ocean liner" or a "cruise liner." For starters, the first thing Oasis of the Seas (as well as many, many other "cruise liners") did after it was built was cross the ocean. Any and all cruise ships built today are designed to cross the ocean, as a very large percentage of them do so twice a

I have also spent several years working on cruise ships (including several that are essentially identical to Concordia, as mentioned above, Carnival is the parent company and has several ships built to basically the same design in the same shipyard), and having read about this all morning, and seeing several