
That's a neat axe, but for that kind of cash you could have 2 nice guitars, or 4 or 5 very decent guitars...and if you need more than 5 to find a proper tone, then give up and play bass.

Glad to see Nikon's $6000 camera has a video mode that's finally caught up to what Canon's $2800 camera could do three years ago.

I honestly have no problem with a douche-head like this guy running the ads, whatever, it's his money...but I'd bet decent money that this is the same type of guy who went apeshit nuts over Janet Jackson's boob a few years back. THAT'S what I have a problem with. Freedom of speech as long as you keep saying things

"...Apple would make outrageous claims like they invented the question mark..."

I challenge anyone to top this.

One way to find a quality pair of cans is to look at what the people MAKING music wear while they're making it...that is to say, AKG, Sennheiser, and occasionally Sony (particularly those in the DJ/electronic area). I have little experience with Grado but I understand they're quite good as well.

The issue with kids and puppies and kittens is one of consent...they didn't consent, so it shouldn't be allowed...however if a grown woman who consents to presenting herself in that way wants to do it, who is anyone to tell her she can't? If you don't like it, don't watch it. And as mentioned above, how is this any


This is hands down the most realistic competition to iPad I have seen yet...rippin cool specs, and more importantly, a price point that competes. If they can market this well, they could sell a ton. If I didn't already own an iPad 2, this would make me think twice.

I just don't see why it was such a big deal to not have a licence plate...I mean, who cares? Just slap on some tags and get back to inventing shit, no one gives half a rat's ass if you have a piece of metal on the back of your car.

No, Mr Simpson, NOOOOOOOO!

i have a feeling FB chat will still suck regardless.

sorry to say, but if you pay $180 for what you think is 2 iPads from people you don't know in a parking lot, the fact that they added a fake Apple logo isn't them being assholes, it's them treating you properly for being the mouth-breathing moron you so clearly are.

just the fact that many states use electronic balloting at all (some of which that don't even have a paper receipt to give proof of a vote) is totally insane...I can't believe that after all the controverse around electronic voting, that any of these machines are still used.

WEAK. weak and misleading.

@tony: thanks for that, nancy drew. you solved it. rap definitely killed that little girl. you're a fucking genius. tell me, what song or piece of art made you so frighteningly stupid?

somewhat accurate except for the fact that you mentioned Twin Peaks in the same sentence as Friends...really? I mean, really? And Battlestar in the same breath as Gilmore Girls? For shame.

beats audio is bullshit

Yeah, how the hell are you supposed to cheat with this version? That's half the damn game...