
The end credits with the callback to the choking poster had me giggling like a crazy person.

You had me at Lake Bell.

For a long time I kept a list of creative pop music-themed pun restaurants. My favorite was my southern meat joint, “Steak Inside of Your Meal with the Memphis ‘Cue Again.”

Absolutely outstanding.

I agree and think everyone’s in the Bad Place. Hopefully not the Fab 4 though. They deserve to level up to Medium by the time this show is over.

Personally I think the Get Schwifty episode is a better example of “good enough”. The purge episode is great imo.

How do you get through an article like this and not mention MST3K shorts or Rifftrax?

Is she right? Yes.

“Look at that, Brain. Jericho is starting a wrestling cruise.”

I wanted to star this, but whenever I hit the star, it makes the number go down and I’m so confused.

I know the problem, Monsoon.

I read this in both Bobby and Gorilla’s voice. Bravo.

In honor of the Shockmaster’s entrance, I think Jordan should go by The Stairmaster

I’m pretty sure they weren’t Bojack’s. He has plenty of drugs in his medicine cabinet, there would be no need for him to have more speed disguised as diet pills. Bea calls them her old family secret. They’re hers.

My other thought is: poor Gorilla. He had 17 years of relative peace, and wherever he is he surely has to break “WILL YOU STOP” out of mothballs.

Yea the gut punch is coming and it’s coming hard next episode. And in term she of where she got the drugs I feel like pulling a rick and say don’t think about it.

Chief Wahoo Steamboat with the TNT!

“Dusty Rhodes, the Nature Boy, just got out of a coma. Coma Chameleon, the Pet Shop Boys said it best. Best Western. We’ll leave the light on for you. YouTube, they still haven’t found what they are looking for. “