Get your education, don’t forget from whence you came
And the world is gonna know your name
What’s your name, man?
Get your education, don’t forget from whence you came
And the world is gonna know your name
What’s your name, man?
The Grandmurder!
I’m sorry, Albert. I know typing through rage tears is tough for you during the season. I mean, I’m sorry your face gets raw. The tears themselves are delicious.
Hey Japan, leave the egregious and victim disrespecting serial killer nicknames to the professionals in the US and UK press, hmm?
It’s more or less perfect riffing material.
That’s really more of an outvestigation.
Curious as to why you only picked JYD for the modern US/CAN section. Totally your prerogative, of course. I’m confused by the omission of Hennig, mostly.
It could be worse and Butt could have cracked it. I wonder if Butt hurts when he tries to do pro laps. Sorry, I have diarrhea of the mouth today and I know the anus is on me to keep my cheeks from flapping.
This is why Rotten Tomatoes is a force for good overall. It’s showcasing the good movies people might not know about otherwise and helping make it known that:
*shot of Joe Estevez’s shoes*
R.O.T.O.R. actually had a Bluray DVD release a few m9nths ago. I just wish Rifftrax would release a commentary for that one since the video they used us from a vhs.
*Shimmy Slides into discussion thread*
Ivanka Trump Stragely Quiet Without Cameras In Her Face
Special. Place. In. Hell.
Nice of Jones to find time to do this during his normal stupid dumb shit routine.
Oh, whew. I had forgotten about Jodie Foster.
I mean, it’s not like Google couldn’t give a lot more. $1 mil is kinda just a drop in their bucket.
I just realized that this all means Spacey was the first LGBTQ actor to win an Oscar... or am I wrong about that? I hope I’m wrong about that. I know this is missing the forest for the trees, but man that sucks.