The main takeaway here I think is that otherwise respectable people might still cry during Nicholas Sparks movies.
The main takeaway here I think is that otherwise respectable people might still cry during Nicholas Sparks movies.
“Oh no, Brain! That fan dressed like Nikki Bella got hit in the face with the announce table!”
That has barely happened to any of us. What the hell.
Wouldn’t the real solution be providing an option in-game to turn on/off the minimap/compass? Then developers could design the environment as they see fit without necessarily compromising on their vusion, and players could have as uncluttered a screen as they want.
Kirk, man, you gotta get another thing to rant about. This is getting wortisome.
Mmmm, the terrible candy take that stays fresh year-round.
Please don’t be Burneko or Juzwiak or this list will be terrible...
“Here’s a song from the legendary Tom Petty. It’s called Free Fa- okay, middle fingers are going up. Well how about some John Denver- hmm, middle fingers again. You know, I might be reading the room wrong.”
I would pay money to read his Jambaroo lifehack about being butt-ass naked.
It’s a peen! Mario’s!
Being aware that more people like the hortibleness that is gummi bears is depressing me more than anything else today. Good god.
I’m preeeeeeeeeeetty sure my mom didn’t give any sort of fuck how HAPPY she looked while she was fighting off a brain tumor.
Nice “final shot of Dexter” homage by him, though.
“¡Esta dynamite! ¿Quien neccessito dynamite? ... ¿Señor Miguel? ¡Muy bien, mis amigos!”
“That match was pretty crazy, Brain!”
The Panthers offense has no Goddamn idea what it wants to be. We have a QB whose success is driven almost totally by his mood, two skyscraper receivers who can’t have good games on the same day, a rookie scatback being told to run straight ahead through tackles like he’s a effing Beast Mode, and right and left tackles…
“Trump can’t stop inserting himself” could be the start of every fifth headline since 2015.
Oh for sure, the reversal system was great in PvP. It was against the computer where it at times seemed weirdly unfair.
W aided and abetted in the torture program and other atrocities. Don’t forget that.