Agreed. Although I know a lot of people don't care for the movies, I think this is something the "Paranormal Activity" films pull off well. Most of the tension is created via waiting for something to happen or seeing only smatterings of activity.
Agreed. Although I know a lot of people don't care for the movies, I think this is something the "Paranormal Activity" films pull off well. Most of the tension is created via waiting for something to happen or seeing only smatterings of activity.
Hmmm...OK. But I do like the semi-randomness of Scissor Man's appearances — never knowing if he'd be in a room you were entering. Sometimes hiding wouldn't work, either; he'd just find you and either kill you outright or give a brief window for escape. It made the moments in which he was exploring the room in which…
"Maniac Mansion" nailed this pretty well. I mean, the game's more comedic than terrifying, but I think some of the atmosphere was kind of creepy. I was always waiting for something awful to happen.
I can't agree with this enough. Most of "Silent Hill's" atmosphere and tension is created by sound. The opening moments of "Silent Hill 2," in which James slowly traipses down a hill to the sounds of some unseen creature snarling off-screen, are incredibly tense. You're just waiting for something horrible to happen.
How about a mechanic similar to "Clock Tower's"? Your only means of defense is to toss random objects at Scissor Man, escape to another room and hide. It can be pretty intense.
I really love this idea. Somebody should hire you.
I think when Rockstar says "complete" they mean "finished." I don't think any representative would come right out and say, "We sold you an unfinished product." Instead, he's saying they have more expanded material planned for the future.
I love playing and buying MTG cards, but have never been an avid collector or one who works diligently to create themed decks. Usually, if the art looks cool, it goes in the deck. As such, I tend to lose a quite a bit, but it's all in good fun.
Great. I really enjoyed the first "Prey." It also had one of the best openings of any game I've played.
Really looking forward to this. Those dragons look badass.
I respect the Hell out of this person.
@Kogo: Agreed. Nothing whittles away at the hours like a game of Arkham Horror.
@Freakazoidberg: Whoa whoa whoa whoa...Steely Dan is awesome.
I thought this was supposed to be an RPG with a scale similar to "Fable" and "Oblivion."
@JesusDeSaad: In a way, that's what Metal Gear Solid 2 did. Kojima said he wanted a story about Solid Snake that wasn't told through Solid Snake's perspective, but that of someone else. Hence, we got Raiden...and he hated him.
@Culebra: I read all of what you had to say, and though I inevitably voted for Batman, Super Mario Bros. Wii has been one of the best gaming experiences I've had in a long time. The sheer, challenging awesomeness of that game is unmatched. My wife and I play it together and as we do a thick fog of profanity and…