
The Wii version of Skyward Sword has the ignoble distinction of being the only game that made me throw a controller across a room in frustration, and rage quit the whole thing. Assuming the game will now be fully button controlled, I may actually be willing to play it.

This exactly happened with an individual in my friends circle. We were a group of 8, with 5 of us being LGBT-affiliated in some way, 2 others being quite liberal, and one being more conservative leaning. The seven of us were, shall we say “vocally liberal.” Before Covid, we would all hang out together nearly every

Make no mistake, I was on the Wii bandwagon with everyone else, in line to get one during the first month. It also absorbed great deals of time from me during the initial 3-4 months.

I'm kinda in agreement with the "soooooo happy," though I really think it needs to be backed up with why.

It's very very similar to Sony from 5-10 years back. When Kodak first brought out digital cameras, they absolutely strangled the hell out of it. Only Kodak formatted memory cards would work. Only Kodak brand batteries. Only Kodak brand card readers. Only Kodak brand software. Only Kodak Photo Kiosks. Not to mention

While this is a bit of a loss of history, I also say good riddance. As someone who worked in photo departments for many years, Kodak was frequently poor at adapting with their newer technologies, had ridiculous restrictions on their digital cameras (ONLY their cards, batteries, chargers, software, etc), priced their

I absolutely agree with you. I really enjoyed every character's side story, and genuinely labored over how to behave in nearly all instances. It made me feel invested in each of my people, and get a bit upset when I felt like I was failing them.

I rather enjoyed DA2. DA1 is one of my most favorite things ever, so my hopes for DA2 were exceedingly high. Because of that, I was a little disappointed. That said, I thought the story's focus on each character basically rebuilding (or failing to rebuild) really pulled me in. Once I got use to the faster combat I

I would happily buy a Chevy Volt of a Toyota Prius if they weren't so prohibitively expensive. I simply can't afford a 40-60k car. Until auto makers are able to price them within the realm of reasonable (15-20k) people will not be nearly interested enough.

I am thrilled with mine, and use it almost every day to check read, browse, shop, mail, etc. It's quick and responsive in all instances. Also, I've never once found the lack of a real Home Button a problem.

I agree quantumsaint. A well presented hyper-rant tends to be endlessly enjoyable.

I am in totally agreement with you Keptsimple. I find it paradoxical how fervent and slavering a fanbase can get, not to mention astonishingly myopic. Is there no room for introspection or critique? Must everything be heralded as "perfect" lest it crack the fandom to the very core?

Oh this was delicious! I probably agreed with 7 out of the 10. Every single time I play Skyward Sword I think to myself "Christ this would have been so much better, awesome, and engaging if it was still produced by Nintendo, but was on the PS3 or 360 with a normal controller." And I can't help but wonder how no one

Sometimes places need to be forced. Apple and Adobe are actually strikingly militant about such things, often disabling features, compatibility, etc until a person updates their codec/ browser/ OS/ whatever. IE6 is exceedingly old, and hardly supported by any web sites, developers, or companies. The companies that

This took WAY WAY too long to happen. People can be endlessly stubborn, and refuse to update or change. When that happens, sometimes the change needs to be forced. Forcing this browser update will (at least a little bit) help out internet security, compatibility, and all-round flow. Even so, I'm sure people will

I friggin love my Kindle Fire. I'm embarrassed by how much I love the little gadget. In a week I've read nearly 2 books, and bought at least 6 more. It does everything I want it to do, be it web, streaming, etc. I can upload my own videos, and it plays beautifully. The lack of buttons has never once caused me a

I absolutely agree with you. I friggin love my Kindle Fire, way more than I ever expected I would. I've already spent gobs of money on it, and I've barely had it a week! All these complaints about no camera or bluetooth seem utterly ridiculous to me. Taking photos with a tablet is strange. I never use video chat. The

I heartily believe the game would've been infinitely better with a "classic controller" option that pitched the motion controls entirely. For controls that are supposed to be one-to-one they were delayed, and unresponsive. Stabbing was frequently insufferable. Flying actually made me throw the controller across the

Ugh how wildly disappointing.

So this looks really really fantastic, but for the life of me I can't figure out how it stays in the case. I'm looking at all the pictures, and none of them seem to display straps or tabs, or any other method for keeping the kindle inside the case shell......