
Last year my grandparents got a Nintendo Wii because they were so delighted by playing the Wii with the family. A year later they're basically afraid of the thing, and feel like they don't understand it at all. They fall into that bizarre category of Wii gamer that says "Too many of the games are too game-like."

The Game Cube was a turning point in the console war for me. Till then I was a loyal Nintendo fan, but the N64 repeatedly failed to impress me, and eventually was sold for a PS1. When the PS2 and Game Cube were announced, I needed to choose one, and only one. I immensely disliked the Game Cube controller (and I still

You're a scholar and a saint, thank you. And it also answered the secondary question of "So, can I do this with my mac?"

So there's one thing that I can't seem to verify, and it's driving me nuts. Perhaps I'm just being obtuse....

Well that was downright.... neat.

I'd really like to get more of an opinion from the deaf community at large about this. A large portion of the deaf community is staunchly opposed to implants. An even larger portion is against teaching vocalization. In fact, I'm fairly certain many would be a bit offended by this. I'm curious what my friends (who are

I feel little remorse for this company. I feel like it destroyed itself over the past 10-15 years. I worked in a camera studio and photo department for 8 years. Their analog cameras were cranky, breakage prone pieces of dreck that were shamelessly targeted towards kids, and elderly, or anyone that knew nothing about

You are absolutely correct. I use to be a loyal Marvel fan, buying issues, and hardcovers, and TPB with a fervent loyalty. But they slowly (or quickly, rather) just priced their stuff right out of my budget. I could no longer drop 40 bucks for a hardcover collection of 12 issues, or 24-30 bucks for a hardcover of 6-7

I'm tempted, but I still just can't see the reason to drop the money. My DS lite still works fine (and it's now......... 5 years old?), and there's just nothing interesting out for the 3DS that makes me think "Well gosh, I need that."

So my first response to the question was a fast "Absolutely not!"

What you just said is exactly why my Wii goes unplayed, but my PS3, and even PS2 see action all the time.

While I can agree Nintendo has a problem, I simply can't put my finger on it......

It's almost depressing how much my boyfriend and I love this show. We're pretty much obsessed with it. It's basically conquered the entire house. Perry has kinda become our mascot. It's embarrassing to admit how often we talk like Doofenschmirtz, or comically move the Perry plush we have (please don't judge us...)

Wow, this was both expected and unexpected. I'm glad Nintendo finally came to it's senses and realized that a $250 handheld will simply not fly. It didn't with Sony, and it won't with them.

Growing up I never much cared for bass, and I truly despised feeling bass. Recently though, the past year or so, I've really grown to enjoy bass, and being able to feel the music. I find something very fascinating about being able to feel the different instruments in a song based on how the bass and vibration comes

It's even better when you know how to use word, search, whatever, but also know the quick commands and shortcuts. My god, then you're considered some sort of Computer Whisperer Prophet.

Argh, my mom does this. She'll get herself into a technological snarl, be it the sound system, TV, computer, iPod, phone, whatever, then contact me. At which point we'll have his absurdly long back-and-forth until either 1) I manage to weed out the issue over the phone. Or 2) Contempt starts to bleed into my voice, I

Ugh so dreadfully true. What amazes me is that once people get it into their heads that you're "that computer guy" nothing can break them of it. At work I have literally had someone come up and ask me a computer question, at which point I turn in my chair and go to google, WHILE THEY'RE WATCHING, and read the answer

Argh, I hate every time this sort of news appears. I love the iPod Classics, for one reason: They're larger storage and more durable than the touch. My classic exists for two reasons: The car, and the gym. I can't tell you how many times my classic has been dropped at the gym, flown off a treadmill, or had a weight

Yeah, I learned about the eye-swelling reaction when I one time petted my best friend's Bischon (whatever...) and then accidentally rubbed my eye. It was quite..... surprising. Also, within 20-30 minutes of being around such dogs I'll become a sniffling congested mess.