
I have a 64gb SSD in my laptop. My desktop does all of my HTPC, gaming and storage work(with 3.2TB, I think it's doing fine). I've not once felt like I needed more space on my laptop. It handles both Ubuntu and Windows 7 with ease, has all the programs I need for college and runs quite speedily.

@relyk5: I'd still buy one, custom roms would fix this, if it indeed happens. I'd rather have Moto hardware than any other manufacturer when it comes to Android.

So besides being thin, the computer of tomorrow will be under-spec'd and double as a weapon? Badass. Bring on the zombie apocalypse, I'll be ready with my Macbook Air!

That's why pennies are pointless. Well, besides the fact I'd rather throw away a penny in the garbage than save a penny.

@adamdoesmovies: I've water cooled since around then. Ran my Pentium 200 at 295mhz at room temperature. It wasn't a good enough chip to hit 300, it crashed and burned at those speeds. Then I overclocked all the K6-2's and 3's I had, used the hidden 6x multiplier(put the motherboard's jumpers at 2x and it was 6x for

@adam.bath: Know? new... I may bee a little drunk.

This isn't know... I knew a guy back in 98 or 99 who lived in Norway and ran a water cooling rig, he kept the radiator outside in the cold, didn't even need a fan.

Uh its missing a string... or two... or three.

@gfparker1: I've got a Droid like you, and it's become a terrible phone. Ever since 2.2 hit it, basically. I had a Droid X for the last 3 weeks. It's phenomenal, there is no lag, no freezing, no problems whatsoever, it's smooth as silk. I returned it but only because the Droid Bionic was just announced. I've got no

I could pre-order one on February 3rd... Have it on February 10th... I'm up for upgrade... But... Nah. Droid Bionic all the way.

Rumor: 90-91% of the computer using world continues to not care.

Still seems like a lot... Granted it outspecs the MBA but I think it should have come a bit closer to that price...

I'd imagine an LTE iPhone would make it easy for Apple to go with both Verizon and AT&T... Though I guess they'd still need a GSM/CDMA antenna for areas without LTE coverage...

@Yeah!: A damned good one at that. Droid X launched with 2.1, got 2.2 shortly after, so what does it really matter? Moto is faster to update than Samsung, so go complain on a Samsung post.

@Aaron Crabtree: Does everything work on it? I could load it on my OG Droid as well but not everything is working, it's very alpha.

@Aaron Crabtree: Everything work on it on 2.3? I can load it on my OG Droid as well but not everything is working.

All you tards complaining it's only running Android 2.2, you do realize no other phone besides the Nexus S has 2.3 yet, right?

There better be a Verizon version, I'm itching to return my Droid X for this.

@coodgenducta: I'd love gestures to control my HTPC. Wireless mouse works OK for the most part but gestures would be outstanding.