@tensai: I know, I don't really get that either...
@tensai: I was one of those adopters, opted to early upgrade instead of waiting, the OG Droid is just so damned slow.
Boring. Give me a Moto Droid with Tegra 2, LTE and a 4.3" screen and I'll return my Droid X for it. Still within my 30 day window.
Really Gizmodo, you're disappointed? It's exactly what I expected, that's why there isn't a radical curvature.
Specs are great but it's a real shame it's an LG... Can't wait for MOTO's Tegra 2 phones.
The only reason this phone is better than the Galaxy S is because Google will be controlling the updates, not Samsung. Samsung's track record with updates, including the current Galaxy S fiasco is why I picked up a Droid X and don't regret my decision one bit.
Does anyone else think it looks like the Xbox team designed it?
WTF, I had read the M635CSi would be in this pack, where is it? :(
@commander_k: There's not much to choose from when it comes to razor blade computers, I'll concede that, but there are a ton of higher spec'd computers for the same price that have better batteries and performance across the board. I believe both the iPad and the MBA should be cheaper, but thats just me.
And people still buy Apple products when they have this track record? Astounding.
The lack of telemetry, lack of brake upgrades, inconsistency of track graphics, 80% of the cars having no interiors or wheel options, screwed up multiplayer, and terrible tire squeel and exhaust sounds are why I'll stick to Forza 3. Also, Logitech G27 owners beware, the game does not natively support your wheel.
@Arnaud Schenk: Almost all of the phones listed were fairly standard, 320x480, qualcomm 528mhz processor, they are old phones, even if they're fairly new, still old specs. Most manufacturers have moved well past that since then. What you're asking for is already happening on a large scale because manufacturers are…
Most of those phones have the same craptacular processor, so why is this any surprise that it doesn't support old hardware? More proof fragmentation is a double standard.
Homemade pot pies? Sign me the fuck up!
Isn't 21:9 just 7:3?
@FermentedDischarge: That's because no companies in their right
@lucasway89: Don't hate me because I'm right.
@Al Alexon: Security through obscurity won't last forever. OSX has virii too. I personally don't run AV or spyware removal apps on any of my Windows PC's unless I have an issue. It's been at least 2 years since I've needed one.
@Dinosaur!: There may be a few Macs, but ultimately, college students are using the overly abundant cheap Windows based laptops.