Young parents devoting more time to being at home with their children may have some arguments in its favor, but it's not something particularly characteristic of the preceding American generations.
Young parents devoting more time to being at home with their children may have some arguments in its favor, but it's not something particularly characteristic of the preceding American generations.
Oh just ignore Cassie. I'd call her a troll except that I think she's honestly trying to be funny, poor dear.
"It's my body and it should be my choice."
I've been reading about this since the news was released over here and it just makes me sick with grief. The amount of terror the targets of IS are enduring is just unimaginable to me. If this is what gets to the news, dear god what else is happening.
Look. SoulCycle classes are generally a good workout. Their instructors are well-trained, they're very mindful about how they set up playlists/structure the classes, and their employees are very customer service oriented. But so many people have drunk WAY to much of the Kool-Aid. This is primarily why I haven't…
Yeah, like them:
Hideous quality of the sculpt aside, and to some here who crave attention by posting derogatory remarks about the woman, however poorly she lived her life, she was an amazing talent as a songwriter and singer and her brief fame was well-earned.
If the Guardian wished to rip into Bolshoi for the lack of PoC, they should (not could, SHOULD) have ripped them a new one for the lack of East and North Asians, not for the lack of blacks. There is a huge number of local Russians who are ethnically East and North Asian (… ).…
I wish I could downvote you.
Unpopular opinion: I do think attraction is controllable BUT I think people who tend to be progressive and open minded are more likely to change or expand their sexual preferences compared to "old fashioned" minded people. For me, my taste in men has changed significantly from when I was a teenager until now.
I don't know where attraction comes from but I suggest that it may come from racist ideas and stereotypes that you may hold. It is a suggestion that I think might be valid but for you to analyze the validity.
Grown up books stay with you for a weekend. Lessons fron chuldren's books stay for a lifetime.Which i guess is an other thing, most adult novels don"t go out of their way to moralize or influence in the first place.
You do realize you're commenting on Jezebel right? I mean, this is a rag as well. It sometimes try not to be, and sometimes actually succeeds (usually when their reposting articles written by actual journalists and the likes), but this is still a rag.
The Daily Mail is the worst of all 'news' outlets in the UK. I don't know if their reporting can be trusted. And I find it hard to believe that DNA evidence only came to light now. In any case, this was such a sad, horrific crime. Some of those poor women were mutilated beyond recognition. People make a lot of jokes…
The government report says it happened, but does it say what they were wearing? Had they been drinking? Was it a "legitimate" rape? Did they fight it? It's only rape if you fight it, you know. How many of those women only decided after that it was regret-sex-rape? It can't be a problem because no one I know is talking…
I'm probably a tasteless lout, but I've never understood the fascination that people have with Hermes bags. I've never found them particularly attractive or interesting. I can't imagine paying upwards of $200,000 for a boring leather rectangle with handles.
I know that this article is geared towards women, but I felt like she was describing ME. The thing I learned the very best in my teen years was that being "me" and being liked were not compatible. The things that I considered "me" were awkward, dorky, stupid, and a number of other less pleasant adjectives.
We have the same two hobbies, except I use the labels on beer bottles instead of bar coasters! Advice columns are the shit, and Ask Polly is one of the best! (Ask A Queer Chick from the Hairpin is also really great.)