Jane, you ignorant slut.

Eminem is looking great for a guy pushing 45.

On a personal level, the modern waxed chest trend kind of weirds me out and I am perfectly fine with my men being hairy. But on a societal level, GOOD, FUCK YOU ALL, I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO SHAVE MY FUCKING LEGS TO BE CONSIDERED ATTRACTIVE, YOU CAN ALL SUFFER ANNOYING HAIR REMOVAL FOR DUBIOUS AESTHETIC REASONS TOO.

I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out

I remember the abuse Leslie received (and I thought it was horrible), but I don’t think I knew who Milo was at the time.

The link is actually a useful reply. But most people asking the question I did aren’t going to use the search terms you did, which is why “Just Google it” is still a pretty terrible response.

I have actually tried that and most Google results are pro-Milo, or don’t provide actual quotations of what he’s said. “Just Google it” is not a response that’s always going to work in your favor.

Someone needs to make a comprehensive post of who this guy is with a ton of links to him saying whatever it is he says that’s so monstrous, because my world is divided between people who love him and people who think he’s the reincarnation of Hitler, and seriously I’d never heard of him until like six months ago, and

In case anyone is ever tempted to think Republicans are stupider than Democrats, everyone please remember this comment.

I’m the opposite. My cramps get worse afterwards. I’ll indulge in the last day or two maybe, but stay away from me those first two or three days.

My toddlers *love* Shiny. “You’re Welcome” is also about ten times better than “How Far I’ll Go” - cleverer and Dwayne Johnson really just shines in the performance. Plus how amazing would it have been to have The Rock singing a Disney song at the Oscars? Missed opportunity.

I... don’t really picture Angelina Jolie (or Brad Pitt) as someone who smells good.

Serious question: does the Black Lives Matter movement have a set position on whether they want white people at their protests or not? I’ve read several high profile articles both ways. I’ll admit to staying away, in part because I’ve read several impassioned pieces saying that I shouldn’t go.

This is why I gave up buying DVDs and now only purchase Amazon Digital copies of anything I want to have forever. Toddlers can’t figure out how to break Amazon Digital copies (yet)

My step-daughter wanted to go to a local protest, so I helped her make signs and we went together. It was amazing, and I’m so glad I did it. The thing I loved the most was how many different generations were there, from mothers carrying infants in baby carriers, to fathers with preschoolers on their shoulders, to

He was the best part of Pitch Perfect 2, too.

Totally plausible.

I’m terrible at this sort of thing, and also I’m terrible at remembering celebrity names in general. I’d probably blurt out, “Um, the guy from The Big Bang Theory. And, uh, the guy from Will and Grace!”. That being said, how do you miss Ellen Degeneres?

I’m not really surprised, we knew Trump was racist, but I do kind of feel bad for Kanye for being stupid enough to think this man would ever do more for him than use him as a photo opportunity.

There is no way that is the stomach of a woman 7-months pregnant with twins.

Nah, I’m just going to do something that’s actually helpful instead of bullying nonpartisan organizations for little girls.