ada booost

Okay, but none of that answers my question of why sovereign immunity is a good idea in the first place.

We laugh, but I am kinda starting to think that they may be necessary and not just jokes.

It’s been sold to China.

Instead of being hysterical on the internet, maybe you could use that energy to search for a better paying job, if you’re soooo afraid that he will lose his.

Can you make an argument why sovereign immunity should exist, though?

I don’t think it’s a fool’s errand, just extremely difficult (given that a lot of the information probably has to be censored, for confidentiality), something a person who genuinely believes his claim would do, but one whose does not really believe it may not. As with the other guys who file these suits, I’m not sure

America is the most litigious country on the planet.

There is no cohesive message to get out. They’re even worse than the Occupy Wall Street people, who at least had a target and are working with lawmakers to modify policy.

Exactly. The older the incident, the far less likely anybody will take on the case because the chance of conclusively proving wrongdoing fall down the drain.

This can be fixed by expanding the law that applies to elementary and high schools.

The university can be guilty of discrimination not just because they can fail to prove guilt.

So I’m a troll because I don’t outright dismiss this lawsuit as a joke, like you do?

All major cosmetics companies have them.

Keep telling yourself that champ. Don’t ever get out of that echo chamber or flesh out what your beliefs really are in discussions with other people. Stay hermetically sealed in your safe space, away from all the rapey black men.

I didn’t say that rape accusations are false or mired in racism.

To be fair, if you’re selling your old junk furniture, you’re doing it because you need the money. (Otherwise you would have just donated it to needy people or left it on the curb to be picked up for free.) Chances of you having a smart phone, let alone one with a good camera is practically zero.

The entirety of your comment implied that it’s a fool’s errand for him and impossible to prove that black male students are targeted in rape cases.

We have detailed product knowledge that the bloggers don’t, and extensive training

You’re making zero returns on equity investments, barely covering inflation if you’re lucky, and you’re wondering why people want disruption? LOL

Inherently unhealthy based on what?