ada booost

Excuse me for trying to move the conversation forward by raising a relevant point.

Aren’t qualifications rendered moot once you form an impression of the work?

Fuck off you vile piece of shit.

Dude, lighten the fuck up. It’s not a loaded question to ask about his past political endorsements.

Yeah, I saw that. It doesn’t tell me what he actually does. All rich people have foundations.

If she can shovel dirt at Goldman Sachs’s new office building, I have no doubt that she’s capable of putting those cereal bags away and wiping that phone receiver down.

What else does LeBron endorse to make his endorsement meaningful?

Rich man who throws balls in baskets endorses rich woman who puts people in baskets.


Maybe you’ll make some headway in understanding by insulting people. Or telling us all about your dumb Facebook friends and relatives.

For the same reason the Hillary camp is ramping up the red menace baloney: batshit craziness.

LOL, sure pal.

Can you wrap your head around the red menace?

Wait, Russians dominate my Twitter feed?

Why is an internationally best selling novelist a public figure?

A few things:

Trash attracts trash. It was only a matter of when, not if, BLM would show up.

Reminding people about the douchebag tv star’s penis.

She told you in February at the fundraiser that she’s a Republican. She said that we have already gone far enough with progressive policies. She actively solicits endorsements from likeminded Republicans.