ada booost

Wow, I did not know that. I assumed even shrouds had to be a family owned fabric, not something you get from a store once you’re dead.

So now black young men aren’t targeted? Only the police targets them? Cool story, bro.

Really? You don’t see the difference between eating Oreos for dessert versus fruit with whipped cream?

Nutritionists already know what healthy means.

Nope. The sugar lobby won’t even let them put the daily recommended intake of sugar.

My favorite was a watermelon with a sticker on it that said cholesterol-free. It wasn’t even a prank, but a real thing put there by the grocer beside the product code.

Family burial garment business? How was/is that a thing?

Go get shot, cunt.

I am basing that on the fact that the only thing you dipshits are harping on is the disproportionality aspect of the problem, not the fact that people are getting shot.
I am basic that on the fact that at none of these marches and protests do you ever see any Hispanic people or white people.

Do you realize that people like Oprah are on the nominating committee of the Oscars? How about Melissa Gilbert?

Twice a day for 6 weeks?

I did all the explaining you’d expect

Don’t worry, she’ll make millions in speaking fees at Goldman Sachs in no time.

Anybody can get nominated for an Oscar if they have the right people behind them. Melanie Griffith was nominated for an Oscar.

He’s not a liberal, and he’s not a radical. Trump is a small fry in the con game, compared to him. His father was a spy and propagandist.

This is a very curious article, complimenting a man who is a bigot and a crook who uses slave labor.

You convinced me. I’m voting for Hillary now that you have insulted me into submission.

Why do white people get shot by police? What legitimate reasons are there for cops to murder white people? Black people get shot because they’re black and white people get shot...why?

Yes, your critical thinking skills are superior.

Sure, that’s why so many white people are welcomed at those protests, right? GTFO, bigot.